We are talking more and more about it. The economy of sharing or sharing economy has the wind in its sails and makes the magazine one. It should be said that the sector is quite buoyant: AirBnB, Animalfute, troctagarde ... to become service becomes a business for those who have the good idea to "sell" this exchange of services. This phenomenon goes hand in hand with other new trends, such as that of the makers, for example. These makers are do-it-yourselfers, inventors, ordinary people who have an idea that can serve all. As a result, companies give them the means to realize their ideas. All these initiatives are building a new economy, with a certain amount of collective ingenuity. This is the world of tomorrow. These new codes of the economy are combined with everyday life. The proof with these 3 examples.

With Quirky, the maker is me!

A designer fiber? We propose to create it on the Quirky site and the community decides collectively whether it is worth to be put - or not - in manufacture. So, Jake Zien imagined an adjustable power strip (Pivot Power), which is installed in the most unlikely corners. 709 people have voted for. It has already sold 600,000. In the USA, Quirky projects are on sale at Home depot, Best Buy and even at MoMA in New York. In France, Auchan proposes linear "Quirky" with about thirty references, one of which is French: the rempot a flower pot with a hinge allowing to unmold its plant like a cake to better repot it (9,99 €). Anyone who wishes can offer their (great) concept on the site of Quirky.

On BlaBlaCar, long live carpooling .

On BlaBlaCar (ex covoiturage.fr), drivers and passengers get in touch via the site or the app and join to make their journey together, sharing the gasoline and the toll. A growing success: 9 million Europeans are registered on BlaBlaCar and the site has just raised $ 100 million to expand internationally. The reason for success? For users, the economy of sharing is attractive. It is in the air of time: one uses but one does not possess. Nevertheless, wise (or cynical) observers remind us that carpooling is also a way for the owner to keep his property since he is not ready to do without ... Morality: the economy of sharing, it is also system D.

The FabLabs, a paradise for neo-liberators.

Community DIY workshops grow like mushrooms. They are the FabLabs, laser-cut spaces, milling machines and 3D printers. In the US, a city strongly affected by unemployment, the Ford TechShop opened in 2012 thanks to the Car manufacturer. 1500 m2 dedicated to the "makers", these handymen from all walks of life. As a result, the company has lowered its research and development costs while increasing the number of patents filed and amateur craftsmen continue to use professional machines to repair, invent, create ... Win-win. In France, we remain modest in size. The FabLabs are open everywhere: the small Fab Lab of Paris, the Nav Lab of Antibes, the Lab Fab of Rennes ... They allow do-it-yourselfers (super gifted or neophytes) to put their knowledge in common thanks to the equipment put available.