Whether you are starting a slimming diet or simply want to pay attention to your line, one of the first things you have to do is usually start (or get back) drinking tea . Praised for its draining and diuretic virtues, this drink - the second most consumed in the world - does it lose weight? Are all teas the same when the goal is to lose weight?

Jean-Marc Zeil, teas of the Pagoda, enlighten us in order to restore the truth on the received ideas related to the tea and the thinness.

Green tea, the best slimming tea

Let it be said right away, not all teas help to lose weight. Black tea, for example, is not at all effective when it comes to lightening a few pounds.

At the head of allies thinning tea department, green tea wins the palm. Jean-Marc Zeil explains: "Green tea is more active because it acts directly on the cells, promotes elimination and helps to burn fat ". In addition, the consumption of theine increases thermogenesis (heat production), which intensifies energy expenditure. This has an impact on weight loss .

Pu Erh tea to fight against bad fats

Pu Erh teas, dark and post-fermented teas, have a positive impact on bad fats such as cholesterol and triglycerides. Consuming it regularly would reduce cholesterol levels and, indirectly, have an effect on excess weight.

However, Jean-Marc Zeil warns: "some teas have a diuretic effect, but not really a slimming action". If you want to lose weight, it is better to act on fat. For this, we will favor a green tea associated with why not to mate and guarana , recognized for their action fat-burning by their destructive action on lipids.

How much tea to drink to lose weight?

For Jean-Marc Zeil, it's undeniable, green tea has only advantages for the line. "If you do not add milk or sugar, tea contains 0 calories and increases energy expenditure , so it's all good!"

To notice an effect on his line, the expert recommends to consume at least two cups a day, in addition to a balanced diet. Of course, the action of tea will be visible only if it is consumed regularly, over time and in addition to a healthy lifestyle and sports, even moderate.

To not get tired, Jean-Marc Zeil advises to take the time to find green tea that we prefer, the one we will enjoy drinking, so that its consumption is not a punishment. "Green tea is sometimes bitter, better to choose a sweet green tea , designed with the first leaves," advises the passionate who recalls that infusions and herbal teas are also interesting to lose weight.