Good news ! Women are no longer willing to believe any marketing promise selling less pounds and smaller size.

Since the ban on dangerous amphetamine-doped cocktails, female slimming candidates are turning to the many solutions offered by herbal medicine . Appetite suppressant - apple pectin, konjac, nopal etc., draining products (artichoke, hibiscus, blackcurrant), fat burners - mate, bitter orange, green tea etc .... these vegetable actors are much less suspect than their ancestors. Are they effective?

Probiotics for intestinal assimilation

Among the assets that have the wind in their sails, revolutionary probiotics are essential, among others, as major supplements. This is what argues André Girard, author of "cancer - obesity, the weight of lies" (Beaurepaire editions). For the naturopath of Lyon, it is clear that "some women eat like ogres and stay slim when others take a kilo while eating an apple; this inequality with respect to food lies in the composition of the microbiota, the ecosystem of bacteria that colonizes the intestinal wall . "

The latest research shows not only that the flora of obese individuals is different from that of thin individuals, but also that the epidemic of obesity that strikes the West is linked to overall over-consumption and deterioration of food quality. This is why the practitioner recommends pampering our belly , this "second brain", and the quality of our intestinal assimilation.

"The probiotic Lactobacillus gasseri (L-gasseri) has shown its effectiveness against obesity in studies conducted in Japan (always associated with food management and physical exercise). There are currently products like Permea Regulum, very rich in glutamine, known to be the food of the intestinal cell "illustrates André Girard. Thus regenerated, the intestinal barrier will promote the transformation of food into nutrients rather than bad fats .

Fat burners, under certain conditions

To control unwanted lipids, André Girard advises the fat sensors of the family of chitosan (a derivative of crustaceans): "this substance creates a gel in the intestine, which acts as a grease sponge, then removed by the stool ". On the fat-burning side, the naturopath has a preference for green coffee beans , especially Vietnam. "It concentrates a maximum of chlorogenic acid (little used molecule so far), the agent that makes it effective".

The Parisian Naturopath Annie Casamayou however warns about the functioning of these caloric consumption boosters: "when we eat less, the basic metabolism - that is what the body needs to ensure its functioning in rest mode - decreases. Playing sports increases it. Fat burners, too ... but only the time of treatment. When you stop, it is better to increase the dose of physical activity to not resume everything!

More and more targeted "slimming" molecules

Annie Casamayou recalls the BA BA of weight loss: "we must spend more calories than we assimilate; it means playing sports and reviewing your diet over the long term, not just a diet . You can lose weight without a dietary supplement, and these do not always help to slim down. In short, they do not make a miracle but they reassure and can give a boost.

The practitioner willingly shares some good plans with those who will review their plate and put on their sneakers. If it discourages the use of draining products - "you lose the weight of the water you drain; and when you stop the treatment, the water comes back, the kilos with, "Annie Casamayou trusts two ultra-targeted substances. First, alpha lipoic acid encourages the body to store carbohydrates in the muscle rather than turning them into fat. Segundo, the triptophanes - a family of molecules that will then be metabolized to serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates satiety - alleviates cravings for sugar in the late afternoon - a typical symptom of serotonin deficiency.

The naturopath takes the opportunity to remind other slimming aids not to neglect: restore the balance hormonal, essential to the approaching fifties; drain the intestines to improve assimilation (long live the detox!) or restore our mineral balance to regulate mood. Stress too, it makes you fat!