Depression is a mental disorder that affects more than 350 million people each year *.

It is the leading cause of disability in the world and for the most severe cases it can lead to suicide.

Another important fact to remember is that this disorder affects women more than men.

Depression and depression: what differences?

There are multiple types of depression (atypical, psychotic ...) that can go in opposite directions.

Indeed, a depression can show a completely different face than expected: euphoria, irritability, eating disorders ... However, it is important to distinguish depression from depression.

What differentiates them is the fact that the depression is not directly related to an event (loss of work, mourning ...), even if it can be the trigger of a deeper malaise.

The criterion of time (a mourning that takes years for example) and the fixed dimension of sadness are also indicative of depression: things do not evolve, we feel locked in a permanent present.

The main symptoms of depression

  • Physical signs

Significant loss or gain in weight, insomnia or hypersomnia, decreased libido or pain and complaints that do not necessarily correspond to a disease (backache, head ...).

  • The motor signs

A slowdown engine: everything is more slow, we speak more slowly, we lose energy, fatigue is felt.

Concentration is also affected: making a decision becomes complicated, the imagination suffers.

  • Locking in a permanent present

The feeling of worthlessness, the excessive guilt, the thoughts of death, and especially the fatalism are all signs that can alert: the depressive does not seek help because he considers that there is no solution.

  • The loss of desire

The person in depression feels sadness of course, but she also doubts about her own worth, may be in a bad mood, sees her interest as well as her pleasure diminish (example: a passionate reader who does not read anymore).

  • Consequences on the entourage

Depression has real consequences for a person's social, romantic and professional life. She takes over what had built her life before.

There is a real gap between what we did before and what we are able to do during depression: it is important to accept that we are sick and that we can not be in the same performance.

Who can be affected by depression?

Everyone of course, but especially people who have a psychological fragility.

People who can not overcome some of the bereavement or who have just lost their job, for example.

In short, depression occurs when the person no longer has the psychological capacity to withstand a situation.

What to do if you think you have depression or a loved one is suffering?

At first, it may be useful to alert the general practitioner, who will redirect you to a specialist.

There are also groups of words, associations ( Association France-depression ) and emergency numbers (SOS Depression: 08 92 70 12 38).

Once the depression is diagnosed, taking medication is not automatic. Generally, they are not enough.

The ideal is to consult a specialist (psychologist, doctor) and not isolate yourself.

The entourage is very important so that the person does not feel alone or misunderstood. If she does not speak, the situation remains fixed. It is therefore essential to reintroduce movement by exchanging.

Thanks to Clarisse Gervais, clinical psychologist, psychoanalyst at Clinique Montévidéo.