Brown spots, tattoos ... the end of the marks
Acne scars ... sweep the memories
Tattoos: entrust them to a specialist
Couperose, angiomas ... get rid of it for good
Varicosities ... everything must disappear!

Brown spots, tattoos ... the end of the marks

What treatment? Pigmentary lasers (Q-switch laser type) aim at the melanin of the skin and the pigments of tattoos. It is used mainly to remove pigmented spots such as solar lentigo or so-called age spots (on the hands, neck ...) or to get rid of a black, gray or dark tattoo (the results are poor with tattoos of color). For brown spots , check first that it is not a melanoma that could develop into skin cancer .

How's it going ? We are not going to lie to you, the sessions are a little painful. Better to use 2 hours before an anesthetic cream (Emla type). There is a burning sensation that lasts 24 hours to 36 hours. Then a crust is formed for 5 days (it is recommended to put an ointment like Cicalfate to accelerate healing). This delay can go up to 10 days when it comes to hands. The number of sessions depends on the density of the tattoo and the surface to be treated: the big tattoos or the very dense ones can leave small scars.

How much does it cost ? For spots, only one session is enough: count about 150 € to treat the 2 hands and 100 € for the face. For a tattoo, it takes at least 5 sessions, sometimes more, at a rate of 60 € to 120 € session.

Acne scars ... sweep the memories

What treatment? It all depends on whether the scars are recent (still red) or old. For the former, vascular lasers such as pulsed dye will play on both redness and inflammation. For old scars, there are several solutions for you. If you just want to erase a "hollow", the right technique is the injection of hyaluronic acid . Otherwise, we can rely either on abrasion lasers (Erbium laser type) to significantly improve an ugly scar (but without erasing it completely), or on so-called laser resurfacing lasers (Affirm laser type) to improve the entire face. This option is recommended when old scars are numerous. With a rejuvenating effect as a bonus.

How's it going ? Expect a few purple marks for about 5 days after treatment of a recent scar. If it is an old scar, everything depends on the technique used: there is no follow-up with hyaluronic acid, but it is necessary to start again after 9 to 12 months. A session of Erbium laser leaves crusts for 5-7 days (omeoplasmine-type ointments accelerate healing). After an Affirm laser session, the face remains red only for 24 hours.

How much does it cost ? 1 to 3 sessions of vascular laser are necessary for recent scars, at an average of 100 € per session. To inject hyaluronic acid, 1 session at 130-160 € is enough. Finally, count 2 or 3 sessions of Erbium laser (from 80 € to 120 € session) against 4 sessions of laser Affirm (300 € session) which gives the famous blow of young at the same time.

Tattoos: entrust them to a specialist

It is up to your doctor to judge whether your request is realistic or not. The little heart on the arm with Brice for ever will have no trouble leaving while the rainbow tattooed on all the back will have all the chances to stay (on your back). After making sure that you do not have any contraindications - pregnancy, skin infection ... - the doctor must explain the technique that seems most appropriate to him, what he will do, what are the possible consequences to intervention and what is the overall cost of treatment. At the end of the interview, he gives you a detailed estimate (compulsory from 305 €). You then have 15 days to think. It's up to you to sign an informed consent showing that you understand the explanations provided.

To find an aesthetic doctor ...

Contact the National Union of Physicians of Aesthetic Medicine on 01 44 54 67 16.

To read. "Aesthetic medicine: rejuvenate without scalpel and without risks!", By Muriel Gaudin, ed. Leduc's, 21,90 €. A big investigative investigation on the undersides of aesthetic medicine. To read urgently before deciding to entrust his face to the first laser came!

Couperose, angiomas ... get rid of it for good

What treatment? Vascular lasers : a pulsed dye laser is used on red spots, a Yag laser on bluish spots. Ideal, the Cynergy laser does both. Their light rays cause the elimination of the vessels in question without damaging neighboring tissues.

How's it going ? It is often a little painful, but the consequences are simple: we have traces of dark red (more or less discreet depending on the case) for 3 to 5 days, especially in case of large rosacea. If you want to treat at one time, the doctor may favor more advanced treatments, but that may lead to edema and bruising.

How much does it cost ? From 150 € to 200 € per session, 1 to 3 sessions are necessary.

Varicosities ... everything must disappear!

What treatment? The first thing to do is to treat the venous disease responsible for the formation of varicosities . Otherwise, the recurrence may be very fast. Often, the angiologist may have to sclerose the vein that feeds the small dilated capillaries before any Yag laser session.

How's it going ? It stings a little during the session and small bruises are visible for about 2 weeks.

How much does it cost ? From 120 € to 150 € approximately one session associating the sclerosis of the vein responsible and the treatment of the adjacent spider veins.