No way to walk on the sunny beach without ending up with burning, itchy red patches on your legs or chest? It looks a lot like solar urticaria.

What is due?

Has an immunological reaction that appears only on certain predisposed "terrains", especially in young people. But, caution, urticaria is also a symptom of allergy, especially food , so it is better to talk to your doctor if it is repeated.

How do we escape?

The most effective is to avoid "at risk" situations, those that cause high body heat , a triggering factor. You can also try a treatment with antihistamines, to be taken in the long course or when you know that there is a risk of having a heat stroke.

How to get rid of it?

In general, this type of urticaria passes after half an hour as soon as the effort is stopped. To relieve, you can apply compresses of cold water or ice-filled washcloths or take a shower very fresh.