The "evil of the century" is gaining ground: 47% of French suffer regularly back today, against 30% thirty years ago. Stress , poor postures and excess sedentarity are largely involved.

Chiropractic to realign the column

This manual therapy detects, corrects and prevents musculoskeletal disorders of mechanical origin. Ideal for chronic neck , back or lumbar pain .

"Thanks to specific pressures and maneuvers performed with the hands and using an articulated table, it gives flexibility to the joints and restores bone imbalances , " says Caroline Lambert, chiropractor. It can be consulted for prevention or in the acute phase, including pain induced by an acute disc herniation .

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PCP Therapy to relax muscles

This massage technique , developed by an osteopathic doctor, exerts continuous pressure on deep postural muscles using a small device that controls the force applied to specific areas of the back.

Each pressure (1.5 to 20 kg) causes passive stretching of the muscles and tendons, reducing joint strain and relaxing the tetanized muscles . We can overcome rebel back pain in four or five sessions.

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Cryotherapy to freeze pain

When the pain intensifies at rest, especially at night, the back pain is probably of inflammatory origin. Especially when it appears early (before age 40) and morning stiffness persists half an hour after waking.

Freezing cold therapy can then be of great help. "Whole body cryotherapy creates a thermal shock on the skin that modifies the activity of the autonomic nervous system and slows down inflammatory phenomena , " says Dr. Jean-Robert Filliard, from the National Institute of Sport, the expertise and performance.

After several sessions, people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis see their pain fade, and their consumption of anti-inflammatory drugs, fall by about 30%.

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Aromatherapy to untie contractures

"Back pain is one of the preferred directions of aromatherapy applied locally," says Dr. Jean-Michel Morel, herbalist doctor. The essential oil of wintergreen is particularly indicated.

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic, it relieves back pain and lumbago. For a quick appeasement, mix five drops of wintergreen with a nut of vegetable oil of arnica or macadamia, massage the painful area, then cover with a cloth or a hot cushion in order to relax the tense muscles.

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