The unsuitable curtain

It is a phenomenon observed in all shops in France and Navarre, but remains largely unexplained: this damn curtain that does not completely close the cabin. One side was beautiful pull or the other, there is always a small gap that allows any other unknown voyeur watch us or how much it is difficult to thread (and remove) this size 38 which we believed so much. The solution: to take the cabin of the bottom or to keep his coat leaves to risk the suffocation.

The thankless lighting

Certainly, we do not expect a miracle of Caravaggio, but all the same, we would like not to have to choose between the interrogation room lighting in Guantanamo and the heating spots worthy of Fashion Week . The ideal would be the imitation "neon open-space" because , let's be honest, it is mainly in this delightful light that the clothes in question will be seen most of the time.  

The conspiracy of the mirror

Scientific fact: the finer the mirror, the less the image it reflects is true to reality. According to this logic, that of shops is as representative of our silhouette as a selfie on Snapchat can be. Result? The last time we tried a slip dress at Zara's, she was as tight in front of the mirror as she was when we got home. Like what, never trust a shop that passes Master Gims while letting children use their scooters between rows of carriers.

The missing bearing

Why would I be forced to put my sublime alpaca jacket on the floor? What if it was your clothes that were left lying on this floor strewn with dust, used tissues, or forgotten cash receipts? And even if there are enough carriers to hang everything, why diantre bet on this bizarre form metallized on which the slightest top slips without even trying to hang on? So many questions, so few answers.

The unique stool

Considering the previous problem , the other practicable support, namely the stool, is often cluttered with our handbag, our coat and therefore unusable in case of accidental fitting of any sublime pair of shoes. It therefore means that one must incidentally rest on this unstunning soil to try them, slash them off, in a subtle balancing act. Happiness.
