What is an abdominal electro-stimulation belt?

As the name suggests, the abdominal electro-stimulation belt is placed around the waist, at the level of the navel. Three electrodes placed on the belt are directly in contact with our skin and send small electric shocks in our abdominals. The intensity is gradually increased for better results.

These electrodes in fact reproduce the natural movements of the muscles by contracting the entire abdominal strap. The promise of electro-stimulating Slendertone abdominal belt kind: the toned abs and a flat stomach in 4 weeks. So, verdict.

The abdominal belt electro-stimulation, it is effective provided ...

Use it well! There is no secret, and most importantly, there is no miracle slimming product. In 1 month, the electro-stimulating abdominal belt can make us lose up to 5 cm of waist circumference , provided not to use it passively. That is to say, it is necessary to wear the electro-stimulation belt for 30 minutes during a 1h sports session (or even while walking). And we repeat the operation 2 to 3 times a week.

This facilitates and accentuates the sheathing of the deep muscles (transverse and oblique). And inevitably, when it's solid inside, it shows on the outside, on what are commonly called "chocolate bars". Playing sports with an electro-stimulating belt, allows us to work 98% of the muscle fiber against 60% without. And we can even have aches.

Electro-stimulation belt sofa: does it work too?

Yes, but the results will not be as optimal and fast. Even with this version "lazy" regularity is de rigueur: no sculpted abs and belly flatter if you do not use it 5 days out of 7 for 30 minutes. And obviously, no question of eating a burger in the wake.

This is the right option for the less sporty of us or those whose agenda is loaded. You can wear an electro-stimulation belt and work your abs while vacuuming, planting your roses or even in the office. A study from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse reportedly showed that a 20-minute session with a Slendertone-type belt equals 120 abdominals and increases abdominal resistance by 72% .

And it hurts an electro-stimulation belt?

In fact everything depends on where our abs are hidden ... If we tend to have fat on this part of the body, we will cash better pain. So, we can increase the intensity of the stimuli. In fact, the larger our buoy, the more it absorbs electroshocks. Conversely, the less fat on the belly, the more the electrical stimuli sent by the belt are painful.

If you can double electro-stimulation belt and abs session, yoga or muscle strengthening, it is better to avoid jogging wearing a device of the kind. The muscular contractions already exist with the jolts of the race and this could make the exercise unpleasant.

Finally, the abdominal electro-stimulation belt is not recommended for people with epilepsy, heart problems and pregnant women.

2 good belts in which to invest:

Slendertone Abs, 179 €

Derived from the belt, the Fit 5.0 from Compex, 599 € (works in wireless)

Thanks to Julie Ferrez, coach fitness and well-being. His website: http://www.julieferrez.com/en/ .