In France, more and more women are giving in to French boxing (fists and feet). So that they represent on average, 1/3 of the practitioners dismissed in club. And in Paris, nearly 50% of the licensees. Undoubtedly encouraged by Million Dollar Baby , Clint Eastwood's 2004 movie in which Hilary Swank plays the role of an outstanding boxer, women have recognized in boxing, the power to let off steam, to empty the mind and to surpass oneself. Boxing can also rhyme with femininity, women have understood, like Alia, candidate of Secret Story 9 whose secret is "I am champion of France boxing".

And if boxing remains accessible to everyone, confirmed athlete or beginner, better still start smoothly. Tips to follow.

- Start boxing against a punching bag

Starting boxing not directly in the ring in a duel against a partner, but against a punching bag , has indeed a very reassuring side. At first, it helps to learn to control his shots, to overcome his shyness and not expose himself to the "bad shot", often feared by women who practice boxing. By hitting in a punching bag, no risk of getting hurt. We can then go to the duel in the ring when we want and especially when we feel ready.

- Enjoy the playful side of boxing

Getting into boxing by imagining that you can use this technique to defend yourself? No. Getting into boxing to sharpen his reflexes by playing with his opponent? Yes ! There is a very playful side in boxing for beginners: before hitting, we learn to touch his fighting partner by conducting assaults. One learns to move and awakens one's threshold of vigilance. Because yes, we would not say like that, but we can manage to do boxing , a game .

- Choosing the right boxing club and the right coach

For boxing as for any other sport, before embarking on the duration (and pay a subscription that is often expensive), it is essential to test the discipline. It is only after at least 1h or 2h of lessons that we can realize if boxing is a sport that suits us. These trial classes also allow you to discover the environment of the boxing gym and to meet other practitioners. Essential to feel comfortable.

For women who are looking for a real accompaniment in their boxing practice, it is better to go to boxing clubs with broad schedules and offering à la carte sessions (a bit like fitness clubs) rather than boxing clubs. offering for example 2 classes per week. These are more recommended for those looking for boxing, a dynamic group and a wide choice of partners.

Thanks to Yannick Merret, coach at Temple Noble Art Boxing Hall (11, rue Molière, 75001 Paris).