Which says year-end holidays, also says evening outfits. The holiday approach is the perfect time to acquire the shoes that will complement your looks. To help you in your choice, discover our selection of shoes special holidays: with or without heels, open or closed, at the dawn of the new year, everything is allowed. Provided that the chosen ones possess this little something that resembles you.

Which style of shoes to choose for the holidays?

  • Evening shoes open

In the line of the Cinderella slipper, shoes and sandals with heels allow to glimpse the foot by the transparency of the material: fishnet, lace, plexi ... This suggestion offers a bare foot foot dressed for the winter period.

  • Fashion Shoes

The chic little detail sometimes gives an unexpected fantasy to the simplest models. Knots pap, pompoms, sequins, pearls, or jacquard patterns, it is subtlety and originality that prevail. All you have to do is choose your style: glamor pumps, slippers for the casual look or babies for the woman-child side.

  • Evening shoes with sequins

Those who prefer above all comfort can adopt the glitter shoe. Richelieus, sneakers and moccasins are unveiling in a new light! This rain of sequins covers the colors and the forms sober as the craziest.

  • Evening shoes

In champagne color, golden, metallic, choose the light color that awakens you. Flat or perched, they respect with elegance the spirit of the magic and the feast of this unique period.

Discover our selection of evening shoes in the following slideshow.