Black, white, green or red?
Tea: a healthy drink?
Bulk or sachet?
The best way to consume it

Black, white, green or red?

Apart from red tea , all come from the same plant: the tea tree or Camellia sinensis . And according to the fermentation processes of the leaves, we obtain different teas, with more or less pronounced flavors and aromas.

White teas and green teas do not undergo any fermentation, which makes them subtle and light. They can drink at any time of the day.

Green tea is the most consumed in Asia (Sencha) and probably the most trend of the moment, especially for its health benefits.

White tea , meanwhile, is much rarer and therefore more expensive, it consists only of buds harvested for a very short time in the spring. It is the one that undergoes the least processing after harvest.

Black teas (fermented) come in three categories: oolong or semi-fermented, fermented black ( Ceylon , Darjeeling ) and smoked ( Lapsang souchong ). Among the most consumed in the West, they are characterized by their more intense aromas. Better to avoid drinking at night.

Red tea or rooibos is a false tea because it is not from the tea tree, but from a South African plant, however its method of preparation and use are similar to those of tea. With no caffeine or tannin, this drink has no bitterness and can be drunk all day long. But she does not have the properties of tea either!

Tea: a healthy drink?

Various studies show that regular tea drinkers are healthier. They have less risk of cardiovascular diseases (lower blood cholesterol), cancers (of the digestive tract), less weight problem and a better distribution of fat ...

Antioxidant properties. Tea is distinguished from other drinks by its high content of antioxidants including flavonoids that play a protective role. Its antioxidant properties seem to be 4 times higher than those of vitamin C present in fruits and vegetables! For example, a cup of 200 ml of tea brings on average 200 mg of flavonoids.

What tea? It is green tea that holds the palm of health virtues because it has a higher rate of catechins, very powerful antioxidants. But it is also the one that has been studied the most.

Bulk or sachet?

Asians, who are great tea drinkers, as well as true lovers prefer loose tea because the leaves are larger than in the sachets, which contain mainly powder. The infusion is more easily triggered with bulk tea than in tea bags and is often more fragrant.

The best way to consume it

Drinking 3 or 4 cups of tea a day (300-400 ml) seems ideal to enjoy the benefits of this drink.

Prefer it without sugar , since it is naturally devoid of calories. You will avoid a rise in blood sugar (blood sugar) if you are in the afternoon. Do not add milk to your cup either.

Infuse it for at least 3 minutes to give the active ingredients time to reveal themselves: 80% of the flavonoids are released in less than 4 min ! Be patient because most of us are not expecting enough.

Once the brew has stopped, do not wait to drink your tea, otherwise the precious antioxidants will stay in the bottom of the cup (brown deposit). It would be a shame !


The more tea is infused, the more it is irritating.

False. The more it infuses, the more it releases tannins, which make the drink more bitter. These tannins inhibit the effect of theine. So, contrary to what we believe, it is the first infusion that annoys the most.

Tea prevents the absorption of dietary iron.

True. Tea taken during a meal where you eat foods rich in iron (meat, dairy ...) inhibits 60 to 70% of its absorption. This can be problematic for anemic people or at-risk populations (vegetarians, vegans, pregnant women). For this reason, it is recommended that these people avoid drinking tea during meals.

It increases the risk of cancer of the esophagus.

False. In fact, it's not because of the tea itself, but the temperature at which it is drunk. Beyond 55 ° C, tea causes irritation of the esophagus that increases the risk of cancer by two or threefold. Therefore, it is strongly recommended not to drink your "hot" tea.

It's not good for teeth.

True and false. True for the color of the enamel: the tannins color the teeth in yellow! But false for caries: thanks to its high fluoride content, tea prevents the growth of bacteria responsible for caries.

It's an exciting thing like coffee.

True and false. True, since caffeine is the same substance as caffeine, but at equal volume a cup of tea contains half as much caffeine as coffee. False because tea also contains theanine, an amino acid with a relaxing effect. Thus, drinking tea naturally stimulates the body without exciting effect through the combination of these two molecules.