Whether you are a confirmed athlete or a beginner, you have undoubtedly done well to (re) put to sport ! In addition to the health benefits of regular physical activity, sport is a valuable ally in fighting against cellulite or orange peel.

The "miracle" formula that works every time? Above all, a subtle mix of diligence and rigor. If you practice between two and three sports sessions per week (ideally 30 minutes of physical activity a day), you will see the first results fairly quickly.

According to Julie Aubert, passionate about running and author of the blog Mademoiselle Run and co-founder of Chez Simone - an apartment-restaurant that offers sports classes and healthy and balanced food - the minimum is to set a training session one hour per week.

"At this rate, the first changes will be seen after one year.The best is to start with moderate efforts, even if it takes several times a week. endurance and resistance At this time, we can make the workouts worse. "

To optimize the effort, here is our selection of the best anti-cellulite sports .

The circuit training or HIIT, a complete activity

Abs, glutes, thighs ... The exercises to practice during a single intense 20-minute session of HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) are many and varied. The idea is to follow several exercises without (or at least with very little) recovery time.

Once all the movements made, it is necessary to resume the sequences from the beginning.

Julia Aubert explains that "the circuit training makes it possible to do at the same time a cardio training while doing the muscular reinforcement on all the zones of the body".

If you want to eliminate cellulite, you will focus mainly on lower body exercises such as squats and lunges, for example. Big advantage of this sport: it is practiced thanks to the only weight of the body. Ideal for all those who do not wish to invest in equipment!

Running or brisk walking to burn fat stores

It would take 45 minutes of brisk walking a day to observe visible and effective results and burn fat reserves. "The vibrations of the running are on the other hand very beneficial for the elimination of the cellulite" explains Julie Aubert.

But rest assured, brisk walking, even if it requires more work time, is just as effective. Perfect for all those who wish to improve their endurance without tiring their joints.

Swimming to build and refine the silhouette

Sports in the water are recommended for people with muscular or joint problems, as they allow for effort "without suffering the trauma of sport", that is to say movements that are too much abrupt as in running, says Julie Aubert. There are, however, two strokes in particular, the breaststroke and the crawl, which solicit the legs, and by extension, the glutes.

The breaststroke makes it possible to work the upper body (abdominal belt, chest, triceps, shoulders) and lower body (glutes, inner thighs, knuckles and quadriceps).

The front crawl / back crawl is working on the thighs and buttocks. He particularly solicits the shoulders and refines the silhouette.

Aquabiking or aquacycling to eliminate orange peel

The aquabiking allows to carry out cardiovascular exercises which solicit all the muscles of the body. It is practiced in swimming pool or spa. Each session lasts an average of 35 to 45 minutes during which the warm-up exercises, the more rhythmic movements and the stretching exercises follow each other.

"By nature, swimming and aquabiking are excellent fat burners," says the co-founder of Chez Simone. Ideal to lose weight, refine your silhouette, build your legs and eliminate the orange peel.

The outdoor bike, the elliptical bike indoors for muscular buttocks

The bike remains unquestionably the ally tapered legs and athletic silhouette. A health walk in your favorite park will do the trick to make your glutes work. If you want to add intensity, do not hesitate to focus on courses with elevations. A variant for rainy days: the elliptical trainer . It allows to refine its silhouette while firming the body and offers a complete muscle strengthening, since we use both his arms and legs.

... and we watch his diet

Of course, we must keep in mind that we must follow a healthy, varied and balanced diet for the results to be felt. Snacks containing synthetic sugars are at all costs avoided, and fruit is preferred for a more natural intake of sugars. Same story for high fat dishes, which will tend to promote the appearance of cellulite. It is also important to be well hydrated (and drink at least 2L of water a day).

"We must not forget that sport represents 30% of the work, and that the other 70% consist in adopting a good diet.This is to find its balance between nutrition and sport , by making its own sports program, according to his preferences and his abilities Every three months, it is enough to make a balance - if necessary with the help of a coach - to note his progress, and to force himself to a new program " says Julie Aubert.

And to add, to avoid weariness in the effort: "Diversity is the key."