What's on Youtube kids?

The Youtube kids app (on iPhone and Android phones) offers videos for children . There are also cartoons (Good Night Little, Olive and Tom ...) and contemporary (Little Brown Bear, Didou, Tchoupi ...) as well as educational programs (It's not Wizard) or musical (The Voice Kids) . And even content specifically created for YouTube like "World of the titounis" (our favorite) which reproduces in image of the classic rhymes.

Why do we find the top app?

Its interface is simplified - no comments possible, no "like", sharing - and it can be parameterized so that the contents fit best to the age of children (3-4 years or 5-9 years) .

Reassuring for parents, YouTube Kids offers parental control with a digital safety award and a timer, to keep an eye on the viewing time.

In 2017 other features will appear such as "blacklisting", whitelisting and a parental dashboard to get an idea of ​​what really interests the kids.

The flat of youtube kids

Commercials. Although selected and non-clickable, they remain fairly present (one every 15 minutes or so, not always skipable).

Youtube kids, available for free on Google Play and App Store.