A 3 in 1 massage.

One session lasts between 45 and 60 minutes. But unlike classical physio, massage does not act only at the muscular level : it also incorporates immediately work on the joints (but without forced manipulation) and energy (but without needles). Result: The biokinergic massage first releases the energy flows of the meridians, then resolves muscle tension and restores joint mobility. And all in one movement, not in a succession of techniques of osteo , physio and acupuncture . By acting at the source of tension, biokinergie gives the body its optimal functioning.

When are we going?

In general, one goes there after a doctor's diagnosis to relieve recurring pain (tendinitis, arthritis, gastritis, colitis, chronic headaches ...) or recent trauma (a fall, an accident ...). But you can also go on your own as soon as you know a little about the technique and the practitioner. The indications are numerous: pain and stiffness of the back and joints, disorders of the static, digestive problems, circulatory and ENT. Some specially trained biokinergists also deal with psycho-emotional disorders.

The good rhythm.

It is then necessary to count 3-4 sessions with approximately 3 weeks of interval to see an improvement on the recurring troubles. You can also do 2 to 4 maintenance sessions a year, especially for seasonal changes.

In practice.

Rates range from 50 to 70 € for a 1 hour session, most often not reimbursed. Information and contact details on www.biokinergie.com and 02 32 35 68 95.

Thanks to Michel Lidoreau , founder of biokinergy and director of CERB (Center for Biokinergic Education and Research).