For whom is the glycemic diet? It is perfect for those who wish to gradually lose weight without drastically restricting themselves and above all, do not take back pounds later!

The Basis of the Glycemic Diet: Gradually change eating habits by relying on the glycemic index of foods . What is it ? An index that measures the rate of assimilation of a carbohydrate by the body, that is to say its ability to raise more or less blood sugar. With this new deal, we realized that simple / complex food classification was too simplistic. The "simple" ones (sweets, sodas, etc.) were accused of provoking a peak of the ephemeral glucose thus harmful, while granting to the "complexes" (bread, pasta, etc.) qualities like those of satiating, of bringing sustainable energy ...

In practice : Low glycemic foods will be favored, which effectively help control the hunger demon and consume lower caloric meals. Among these are most vegetables or legumes such as beans and lentils. High GI foods include, for example, baguette (95), quick-cooking rice (85), or bananas (60).

To help you :

The different phases of the glycemic diet:
Start with breakfast . Most commercial breads and cereals have a high GI, then prefer all "complete", low GI variants. As a bonus, you remove the pump stroke of 11 hours, the low GIs "stalling" well. Also stop the sugar in your coffee or tea! For that, you will have to be patient so that your taste is done with less sweet flavors. After a few weeks, you will enjoy your tea or coffee without sugar without problems.

Then chase with lunch and dinner . For this, you will learn to know the glycemic index of food, because their only taste is not enough. Expand your vegetable consumption and use low GI fruits to satisfy your craving for sugar! A few pieces of apples or pears cut in a yogurt or cottage cheese will give them a sweet taste, with vitamins as a bonus!

Do not try to deprive yourself of high GI foods, this is the best way to crack! You can allow yourself a sweet food once or twice a week, but limit the portions and if possible, consume them during your meals. A high GI food will see its index drop when it is associated with a lower GI food.

Do not forget to offer yourself some pleasures ! Black chocolate with more than 75% cocoa content has a low GI, do not deprive it! Prohibit by cons very sweet snacks such as biscuits or candy bars, IG too high.

Most of the glycemic diet: The greedy line-conscious can rejoice, the low glycemic index diet is easy to adopt and it requires little real deprivation!

Decreasing foods with high GI also helps protect your heart, reduce bad cholesterol and even increase your stamina. One of the keys to success for being healthy!

The least of the glycemic diet: None!

The results of the glycemic diet: progressive, but aim for the long term. The diet is "smart" and encourages healthy dietary habits.

To learn more about the glycemic diet: Claude Allard, IG Glycemic Index: Your last diet! and The daily glycemic diet , Hachette Pratique.