Bluetens, what is it?

As small as a box of matches, Bluetens is the first electro-stimulation device for health and well-being connected . Developed by French 5 (physiotherapists, sports and specialist digital), Bluetens offers 3 types of programs: muscle strengthening, relaxing massages and physiotherapy. Everything works via 4 electrodes to place on the part of the body that you want to treat.

This type of device is generally used by health and sports professionals (such as physiotherapists and top athletes) and therefore difficult to access for individuals. And this is where Bluetens wants to stand out from the others: it was specially designed for use at home, by the greatest number.

How does the Bluetens work?

- First of all, as with any connected device, you need to download the Bluetens application on your smartphone.
- We select the part of the body that we want to treat: knee, thighs, buttocks, belly, lower back, back, upper back, shoulders, wrist, forearm, elbow, arm, foot, ankle or calf.
- We choose the program we want to perform: relaxation, strengthening or care. And we validate by pressing "Go".

- We can then define the level of the program: beginner, intermediate or confirmed.
- The electrodes are placed on the chosen part of the body. If you want to treat a muscle bigger than another such as that of the thigh for example, we place the 4 electrodes in the same place. And we treat one leg after another. For smaller muscles, such as the calf or biceps, the two limbs can be worked at the same time by placing the electrodes 2 by 2.
- And the intensity of the electric discharges is regulated by turning the wheel of the Bluetens.

What we thought about Bluetens

Most :
- The Bluetens will turn off automatically when you switch programs and restart at the lowest intensity. No risk of getting hurt.
- The Bluetens application is intuitive, very easy to use.
- We appreciate the fact that each program is timed. No need to watch the time every 10 minutes, the Bluetens stops once the program is over.
- Beginner, intermediate or confirmed, it's up to us to choose the level of our program.

The lessers :
- We would have liked to clip the Bluetens to our clothes to be more free of our movements.
- Make sure your phone is always close enough to you. On paper, the Bluetens has a range of 5 meters. In fact, it feels like it's a little less.

Bluetens, 149 € (the price includes 3 sets of electrodes or 12 electrodes for about 6 months of treatment) to order on