Chocolate, cakes, sweets ... We often think we can adjust our stresses of stress with very fat products and very sweet, so called considered "comforting".

Error !

To find calm and serenity, we put on healthy foods, true calming powers. Non-exhaustive list.

  • Almond, stuffed with magnesium and vitamin E

"Stress is a big provider of free radicals that damage cells," says Dr. Denis Lamboley, author of "Antistress Minute" (Leduc ed.).

To neutralize their effects, do not skimp on antioxidants. Almond, in this regard, is an ally of choice because it is a good source of vitamin E (26.2 mg / 100 g). It is also full of magnesium (268 mg / 100g), THE mineral anti-stress par excellence.

When pressure rises, magnesium tends to flee with urine. But it takes a good dose to reduce its vulnerability to stress.

  • Mackerel, an omega-3 bomb

Tasty and cheap, this fish delivers a plethora of omega-3s, unsaturated fatty acids that promote the transmission of nerve impulses. Studies have shown that their consumption reduces stress-induced aggression.

Omega-3s also slow down the overproduction of cortisol, the stress hormone. 200 g of mackerel (ie 2 g of omega-3) twice a week is enough to reduce our vulnerability to stress.

  • Banana, rich in potassium

Easy to carry, it is a potassium mine (450 mg per fruit), a mineral that reduces the acidity of the body, boosts the oxygenation of the brain and tempers anxiety.

And as it is also very energetic (90 Kcal / 100 g), it avoids accidental cracking, source of kilos of stress. An appetite suppressant to be preferred in case of professional overwork.

  • Turkey turkey to boost the hormone of serenity

It is the ideal meat not to go into a spin. It indeed brings a lot of tryptophan, an amino acid essential for the production of serotonin, the hormone of serenity.

This white meat is also anti-oxidant because it contains acetylcysteine, a compound essential for the defense against free radicals. Its flesh also delivers vitamin B6, a powerful anti-stress agent that potentiates the action of magnesium.

  • Cod for a peaceful sleep

Also known as cod, this fish contains glutamic acid, which the body uses to synthesize a neurotransmitter - GABA - that promotes relaxation and slows the heart rate.

It reduces spasms and makes it easier to fall asleep. A must to stop nervousness.

  • Broccoli rich in vitamin C

Like all green vegetables, it is teeming with nutrients that can fail during times of stress.

But broccoli is distinguished by its record rate of vitamin C: 60 mg / 100 g, almost twice as much as an orange! Its florets are therefore effective in controlling free radicals and avoiding peaks of cortisol.

  • Dark chocolate, the anti-stress ally

Its high magnesium content (75 mg for 35 g chocolate with 70% cocoa) forges an anti-stress shield. It has been shown that chocolate aficionados have lower blood pressure and lower blood cortisol levels than those who almost never eat it.

  • Green tea, relaxing nectar

Although it contains theine, the equivalent of caffeine, tea relaxes the body and mind, without inducing drowsiness. This virtue is based on the presence of L-theanine, an amino acid that generates relaxing alpha waves in the brain, as do massages or hot baths.

The right dose: 100 to 200 mg of L-theanine / day, evening 5 cups of green tea long infused.