"I love to cook and I hate to deprive myself." My pleasure at breakfast was home-made bread or a baked cake, or a porridge.Getting off on wheat, rye or Oats was a real punishment, but I was more and more blown from head to toe in the morning, I digested badly and my migraines came back one day out of three.

From three weeks, I deflated and I lost 1.8 kg, my troubles have subsided and, seven months later, everything is back to normal. I totally reinvented my way of cooking: I use rice flour, buckwheat, chestnut, chickpea, corn and, as a substitute for gluten, I raise the dough with sodium bicarbonate and I give mellow with guar gum. In fact, I continue to cook what I like, but with another palette of ingredients. It was fundamental, otherwise I would have depressed without pasta, pizza and cake.

I eat more vegetables and less fruit, before it was the other way around, and I introduced salty for breakfast, the German one: homemade buckwheat bread, with ham or smoked salmon, or a lawyer. I'm stalled until lunch, I do not need a snack any more, so I eat less. I have thinned naturally, the dream ... "

The opinion of nutritionist Dr. Jean-Michel Cohen

"I believe a lot in the improvement of digestive disorders and transit among intolerants, because the intestine stops suffering and being attacked by the excess of gluten, present everywhere, including some wines and cocoas. I am more reserved to other annoyances (edema, migraine ...). It is rather an indirect benefit. By eliminating processed foods rich in gluten , we reduce the disorders induced by excess sugar and salt, especially in bread. "