They are located in the DNA region at the end of the chromosome and their power is incredible: depending on their size, the properties of the telomeres change. Point.

What is telomeres and where are they hiding?

"Located in the region of the DNA at the end of the chromosome, these small caps protect its four ends to prevent them from being soldered, which would cause the degeneration of the cell and could make it cancerous. I often compare telomeres to welded ends of shoe laces, "says Dr. Jean-François Bezot, a medical biologist.

"With each cell division, the cap decreases, they shorten and over the years cells can no longer divide. They die and our body is deteriorating little by little. Recent studies show that short telomeres are associated with diseases related to degeneration and shorter life expectancy. "

How to protect your telomeres?

The telomerase enzyme, which can lengthen telomeres, decreases with age. Some drugs (TA-65, Epitalon, available in the United States and Russia) are reviving its activity, but serious specialists advise against their prescription, the specter of cancer is to be feared. Equally effective and safe this time, we can follow a pro-telomere diet and lifestyle.

"A study done on people practicing meditation, and others not, showed that these first are less stressed, have less inflammatory phenomena and better immunity. Thanks to meditation, they have longer telomeres for their age. It has also been noted that in order to protect oneself, telomeres "wrap themselves" around six proteins that act as bodyguards. Hence the formulation of nutritional advice to protect them, "says the biologist.

What plate to boost the health of our telomeres?

To favor, foods rich in zinc (oysters, veal liver and pork, whole wheat bread) to boost telomerase, anti-stress magnesium (green vegetables, whole grains, oilseeds, pulses, chocolate), vitamins C (fruits, parsley , green cabbage) and E (rapeseed, olive, avocado, walnut, hazelnut oils) against oxidative stress, in omega 3 fatty acids (cod liver, fish).

Precious, too, tea and grape for their antioxidant polyphenols, anti-inflammatory turmeric, vitamins A good for neurons (carrot, pumpkin, spinach, pepper, tomato) and D (cod liver, herring, mackerel, sardines ) guarantor of the bone structure.

Not to mention a daily intake of amino acids, preferably in the evening (the cellular divisions taking place at night), so that the guarded peptides of the body help the telomeres to repair themselves faster than they destroy themselves. On the menu so regularly: white meat, fish, avocado, banana.

To lengthen its telomeres to rejuvenate, it is possible?

"There is a nutritional supplement from Swiss medical research (Celergen) composed of marine DNA peptides, collagen and cartilage stabilized by antioxidants: selenium, coenzyme Q10 ... which protects and even lengthens the telomeres, biological examinations. "Support," says Dr. Ghislaine Beilin, aesthetic doctor, president of the European Society of Preventive, Regenerative and Anti-aging Medicine.

"A simple blood test measures the telomeric index. It makes it possible to monitor telomere lengthening over the months, to monitor the evolution of the aging of the individual and to adopt ad hoc hygiene rules to try to slow it down. "