Starchy foods make you fat
To lose weight, it is better to divide his meals in the day
Red sugar is less caloric than white sugar
Taking your time to eat helps you lose weight
Do not sleep increases appetite
Drinking a lot of water makes us lose weight
Bread makes you fat
To lose a few pounds, plus a drop of alcohol
Chocolate is not to be banned during a diet
We can lose weight by having fun

Starchy foods make you fat

True and false

The "slow" sugars contained in starchy foods, which are assimilated more slowly by the body, cut the hunger and prevent us from nibbling, so we have a more balanced diet.

However, be careful not to season them too much or accompany them with various sauces, often high in calories.

Prefer potatoes with water rather than French fries, or whole wheat rather than white bread.

To lose weight, it is better to divide his meals in the day


Let's stop thinking that the jump of a meal will make us lose weight. Our body will necessarily catch up with the next meal, and the opposite effect will occur: the body will turn nutrients into fat, to store in case of lack. Also, skipping a meal invites the body and the stomach to eat twice as much, at the next meal.
Ideally, we recommend 4 balanced meals per day and not two large meals.

Red sugar is less caloric than white sugar


There is a tendency to believe that cane sugar is more caloric than white sugar. Only its color and aroma differentiates it from white sugar. At the caloric level, they have the same properties (400 kcal for 100gr).

Taking your time to eat helps you lose weight


It is advisable to always chew your food, to help with digestion and transit, and to keep a flat stomach.

It also reduces the very uncomfortable feeling of upset stomach.

Do not sleep increases appetite


Sleeping is a vital physiological need for survival. When one is not sleeping, the appetite increases to make up for a lack. People who sleep well make a protein, leptin, which helps to eliminate hunger. On the contrary, the gréhlin is secreted when one does not sleep and pushes us to eat.

Drinking a lot of water makes us lose weight


Water accompanies the diet but is not a way to lose weight in itself. It does not contain any calories so you can consume at will: nature, herbal tea, tea, coffee ...

It drains the body and eliminates toxins, it moisturizes and maintains a good body temperature.

Bread makes you fat


There is often a tendency to support the idea that bread "swells the belly" and therefore swells. The bread makes you fat, like any food, when it is eaten in large quantities, or accompanied by products that are too fat.

Thus, according to nutritionists, the eternal Franco-French product is not prohibited when you make a diet; especially the whole bread for its contribution in fiber.

To lose a few pounds, plus a drop of alcohol


Alcohol is very rich in calories and sugar, not recommended for women attentive to their line ... and their health.

For example, 1 whiskey-coca = 235 Kcal ... which gives you a little idea of ​​how many calories you store at a "watered" party!

Chocolate is not to be banned during a diet


Dark chocolate is full of magnesium and very good for your health. To consume one or two squares per day does not compromise your food balance, provided you do not abuse the tablet, or other high calorie chocolates like pralines.

We can lose weight by having fun


Radically prohibiting everything does not solve the problems and does not really make you lose weight; it can indeed produce the opposite effect. The psychological frustration of lack is a major enemy of the regime. Do not deprive yourself too much, on pain of one day returning the situation and making up for the lack by excessive consumption of what you will have forbidden yourself before.