It is aquiline, hooked, straight, crushed, rolled up, trumpet, thin, wide, long ... The nose is one of our biggest complexes.

Cosmetic surgery or not?

In the middle of the face, constantly compared and denigrated, the nose does not have an easy life. Logic reason or fashion effect, cosmetic surgery loves it. Behind liposuction, breast augmentation and blepharoplasty (operation to reduce the effect 'drooping eyelids), rhinoplasty rises in 4th position acts of plastic surgery most performed (9.4%) *. But instead of using scalpel and spending a small fortune, more and more voices are rising to advocate self-acceptance.

A selfie to accept his nose

At a time when selfies of celebrities and strangers as photogenic swarm on the Web, Radhika Sanghani , a freelance journalist who previously worked for The Daily Telegraph , went on a crusade to break the taboos around big noses ( BREAK THE BIG NOSE TABOO !! in VO). Launched via the UK version of Grazia magazine, the 'SideProfileSelfie' movement was born. The idea? Encourage Internet users to accept themselves by encouraging them to post a photo of their profile, a viewing angle that unmistakably reveals the line of the nose. After a dozen days, the hashtag gathered more than 2000 occurrences . Photos without filters, greeted many mentions 'I like', or how the Internet can also help to accept its small 'defects'. Here are some examples:

* figure from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.