Harvesting clothes throughout France

In France, 1 child out of 5 lives below the poverty line. To try to help these young people in difficulty, Sequoia eco-responsible pressings and the Apprentis d'Auteuil Foundation have decided to join forces. Throughout the month of February 2016, in the 50 Sequoia presses of France, a collection of donations and a collection of children's clothes is put in place. The goal: to recover clothes size 3 to 18 years . Sweaters for winter, jeans, jackets, t-shirts, jackets ... anything your child no longer puts can be useful to the Foundation. To empty its cupboards and make a good action, direction, therefore, the pressings Sequoia .

Sequoia, the pressing "green"

Certainly, this beautiful operation of solidarity will make talk about the chain of pressing eco-responsible Sequoia. Founded in 2008, Sequoia is called "green" pressing because it is distinguished by its more environmentally friendly technology: it does not use perchlorethylene (an irritant chemical) for dry cleaning. Throughout the month of February 2016 Sequoia volunteers to sort, wash and redistribute the harvested garments to the Fondation Apprentis d'Auteuil. These will serve young people and families in need, accompanied by the foundation.

Already 150 years for Apprentis d'Auteuil

The Catholic Apprentice Foundation of Auteuil, which celebrates its 150th anniversary this year, is constantly working for the social and professional integration of under-26s. Each year, the foundation accompanies more than 24,000 young people in need. Active, the Fondation Apprentis d'Auteuil organizes numerous events. Last May, the solidarity braggings had taken place everywhere in France, harvesting nearly 255,000 euros. With the partnership with Sequoia, the year begins well for the Foundation.