How to choose a good lawyer?
How to mature a lawyer?
How to preserve a lawyer?
The lawyer: good for your health!

How to choose a good lawyer?

The avocado, like many other fruits (banana, tomato, peach ...), continues to ripen once picked from the tree. To recognize a ripe avocado , press it in your hand : if it is both firm and slightly tender , you can enjoy it the same day.

How to mature a lawyer?

To speed up the maturity of a lawyer , place it in a paper bag next to a banana or kiwi. The latter, by releasing a substance called ethylene, will accelerate the ripening of the avocado .

How to preserve a lawyer?

You plan to make nice entries based on lawyers but the number of guests is odd. No worries, carefully keep half with the core and wrap it in cellophane paper and place it in the refrigerator. Indeed, the kernel, when it is still 'connected' allows to preserve the fruit longer while keeping its freshness.

The lawyer: good for your health!

The avocado contributes to the health of your heart : indeed it contains monounsaturated fats known to be 'good fats'. It also contains tryptophan that stimulates the endorphins of our brain , bringing a sensation of pleasure and well-being.

Side form, vitamins such as B6, B5 and E are present in the avocado. They have antioxidant effects and also reduce the development of cardiovascular diseases.

This small fruit also contains many minerals such as potassium or magnesium which both contribute to maintain a good physical shape . In addition, it also contains dietary fiber that can reduce the risk of developing colon cancer and allow to reach a satiety threshold quickly.

The consumption of avocado in rather large quantity has an influence on the cholesterol since it reduces the bad one and increases the good one.

Find more information on cholesterol by clicking here and here.