Going too fast and too hard is the best way to get discouraged (or even hurt) when you resume physical activity.

Here is a list of the most common mistakes that can ruin all our efforts.

  • Set unrealistic goals

Seeing is good, but you have to be aware of his abilities to not get discouraged.

Training gradually allows you to develop your cardio and to be more efficient to exceed your goals and physically surpass yourself. But for that, one must be patient and establish transition phases.

A champion has never done exploits since his debut! So we start with small sessions of 20 minutes (less if we have not done sports for a long time), then 30 minutes, and then we add 5 minutes to each session until we find the timing that suits us.

How do I know how far I can go? To set one's goals one must know one's body and mind. If not, call a sports coach is useful. It will be able to establish a program adapted to our needs and physical capacities likely to develop with a regular rhythm.

  • Question (too) often his motivation

"Am I really going to sport tonight?" : this question is the best way to give it away right now.

How to motivate without questioning? To never give up, you have to create a sport schedule. We do not set specific days, but we hold a number of training sessions per week. We then adapt the days according to his daily life.

  • Playing sports irregularly

The golden rule for the sport to be really effective is to stick to it regularly: two swimming sessions a week for 35 minutes minimum is always better than two swimming sessions for an hour, then nothing for a month. Irregularity hinders progression, both cardio and physical if one is waiting for a real change in this respect.

How to become regular? The ideal is to enroll in a gym with courses that boosts us. Another idea: to call on a coach who motivates us and gives us a stimulating program adapted to our needs and our fitness.

  • Get into a routine ... and get bored

Having his little comfort is good, but it is the risk of getting tired very quickly and abandon the sport (and therefore see disappear all our efforts in no time!)

What activities to practice so you do not get bored? To always feel the desire and the taste of the effort (and continue to be enthusiastic about the results), we vary the pleasures: pool addicts can diversify the swimming techniques between breaststroke, crawl, board and even water aerobics and aquabike classes. Indoor sports enthusiasts can alternate between bodybuilding sessions and group classes: Swedish gym , yoga , Crossfit ...

Running side, changing his habits is more complicated, but changing environment can do good.

  • Be satisfied with the minimum

To practice a sport is also to hope for a physical transformation. And efforts are always rewarded. On the other hand, if one is partisan of the least effort, one must not dream: a muscular and curved body is not obtained without perspiring a minimum.

How do I know if my session is effective? If we apply the right gestures, we put the intensity and the sweat begins to bead on our forehead is that we are on the right track. A few aches the next day are also a sign that the muscles have warmed up well.

  • Do sports on an empty stomach!

It is often said that fasting sports would be beneficial for directly reaching fats. Error ! To train without problems and to resist throughout the effort, it is necessary to give oneself energy and to make reserves of carbohydrates sufficient to avoid hypoglycemia (sugar level too low in the blood). In the same way that we put gas in a car, our body also needs fuel.

What to eat before my session? We prefer foods rich in potassium and vitamin B such as banana or almonds and slow sugars (cereal bar). And we do not forget to hydrate ourselves with water of course.

  • Do not stretch

From a technical point of view, the stretches make it possible to relax the muscles, to favor their flexibility, and therefore to recover better after a sporting session.

How to know if we stretch well? Generally, when we stretched well, we feel it! Our body is more relaxed and a stretching session can even be a separate relaxation and escape session.