It's the beach sport that goes up

Olympic discipline, beach volleyball is on the rise. All summer, amateur tournaments are organized on the biggest beaches of France. It is played two against two on a field of 8 x 16 m.

It's good for the silhouette

We must constantly seek balance in the sand and, to compensate, the muscles of the lower limbs work intensely, as the arms and pecs, very solicited by the ball.

It is full of good humor assured

We play with friends, barefoot, in jerseys: dives in the sand, jumps, attacks on the fly, add spray and tonic sea air, and you will understand why the federation has 2,000 fans.

It's ideal for developing team spirit

" Beach volleyball requires a real complicity with your partner, to develop a tactic and counter the opposing couple," says Virginia Kadjo , the most emblematic French player.

It is a discipline that is addressed to all

Small, you will compensate by a greater speed; great, your shots over the net will be facilitated. The ideal is to form a team with complementary skills.

Federation: 01 58 42 22 22 or (dates and sites).

To start well

- Warm up, run 30 minutes on the beach and follow with a jog on the spot. Accelerate gradually and finish with a sprint.
- Cross your fingers over each other while folding them to make them softer. You will limit the risk of sprains during passes.
- Do not swim in the sea before playing, cold water cuts the legs. Better to take a hot bath after the game to relax the muscles.
- Practice playing with a soft balloon to get used to receiving it without brutalizing the forearms and fingers.
- Spread the body of sunscreen. It is essential except inside the forearms because the ball may slide like a bar of soap.
- Beware of alcohol, they are very bad with the sand and the sun.
- Avoid scorching hours. This seems obvious, given the effort provided during a game.