By stimulating certain points of the body , acupuncture facilitates the circulation of vital energy (in Chinese, qi) and makes it possible to find a better functioning of the organism, of the spirit, but also of the emotions. A few acupuncture sessions in the fall help to restore the vital balance , that is to say, to improve the capacity of adaptation to our physical or relational environment as to the changes of climate or season. This traditional Chinese technique helps to strengthen our immune defenses often harmed at the beginning of winter. Thus, people prone to a decrease in tone , a depressive syndrome or repeated ORL infections will be well advised to consult an acupuncturist before the appearance of the first symptoms. Two or three sessions will be enough to prevent these disorders. In the event of a proven decline in diet, these sessions will help you regain your tone as soon as possible.

In the long run, to strengthen prevention . To avoid the reappearance of your symptoms the following year, you will need to continue your care. That is to say, a monthly session for 10 to 12 months. Then one or two sessions a year, just before the start of the season you are sensitive to, will be enough to restart the process. So, if you're both prone to seasonal depression in the fall and allergic rhinitis in the spring, you'll kill two birds with one stone!

We try
Ginseng , the tonic and beneficial root against fatigue and ENT infections (in the absence of contraindications: high blood pressure, obesity, nervousness). Prefer it as a dry extract in capsules at a rate of 50 mg / day, 4 days out of 7, and not more than 2 months in a row.

We did it
Chinese dietetics give food every season. Adopt the 4 main principles for autumn ...
  • Eat consistent and hot dishes .
  • Choose baked goods, gratins, simmered dishes, stewed soups.
  • Choose vegetables that grow underground ( potatoes , carrots , turnips ) and legumes (lentils, chick peas).
  • Consume energetic materials rich in trace elements (nuts and hazelnuts for zinc, pulses for selenium, whole grains for iron).

" Better living thanks to Chinese medicine " by Michel Frey (Le Pré aux Clercs).
A lumbago? Headache? At the belly? Trust Chinese medicine, able to adapt to each individual and for each problem a wide range of techniques. You will find those that suit you in this book that reads like a novel.