Arms need a daily job to stay tonic ! Here are 2 exercises to do in front of your mirror, at the office or quietly at home:

Hindu circles

Hindu circles are ideal for carving beautiful posture and hands . Practical, these little exercises can be done everywhere, in a sitting or standing position.

To begin, lower your shoulders , r enter your belly and slightly tighten your perineum .
Join the palms of your hands to your chest .
Inhale as you raise your hands above your head , keeping your elbows together for as long as possible.
At the top, pull your elbows on your back , your hands wide open and your neck very long .
Exhale quietly and tighten a little more your perineum to solicit the muscles of your stomach . String 8 to 10 circles and release.

Thanks to this little trick, the bad habits are over: you will never make a round back and your arms will be toned!

The dips

The dips can be done on a bench, on the edge of your bathtub , on a tree trunk in the forest ... To achieve them without hurting you, apply the following points to the letter:

- Place your hands under your buttocks , aligned with your shoulders.
- Stand upright, and go down by grazing the seat of your chair with your back: your arms are bent and your knees are at 90 °.
- Reassemble gently then start again .

To begin, make 2 sets of 10 dips ; for the bravest, do not hesitate to go up to 15 .

Try it easy and very effective!

Find all Julie's advice on her site by clicking here .