What is rosacea?

Rosacea is a condition of the skin that manifests itself in various symptoms. The most common: redness in the face. These arise from an abnormal dilation of small blood vessels on the surface of the skin, which widens. This then causes an influx of blood that causes edema of the skin and the development of microorganisms such as demodex folliculorum, a small mite that creates small pimples. Rosacea can be genetic and, if no treatment is 100% effective, the first reflex is to avoid certain triggers: the sun, heat, cold, stress, alcohol ... To live better with the Rosacea, there are still cosmetic solutions of camouflage, and good gestures to adopt.

  • To remove perfectly

Makeup removal is always the basis! It is essential to clean the skin of the products that are inflicted on it so that it can breathe better. So clean up the evening, and in the morning to remove the last residue.

  • Moisturize your skin

In everyday life, we put everything on hydration. A well-hydrated skin will breathe better and will also be protected from external attacks such as pollution, which could accentuate rosacea. We favor a fluid emollient cream that is applied after cleansing his face with warm water.

  • Protect yourself from the sun

Every time we go out, every time our face is exposed, we put on sunscreen. We also adopt this reflex in winter, by choosing a moisturizer with integrated SPF protection. And we say yes to hats!

  • To concoct a homemade anti-couperose mask

With a handful of blueberries and cottage cheese, you will do wonders! To soothe the skin, just a tablespoonful mixed with two to three tablespoons of cottage cheese. Let it sit about twenty minutes before rinsing with warm water.

  • Betting on organic hemp oil

Repairing, decongesting, moisturizing and stimulating, organic hemp oil has everything to make you addicted. Rich in essential unsaturated fatty acids and omega 3 and 6, it balances and soothes the skin, irritated by rosacea. As a bonus, it is non-comedogenic: no risk of black spots!

  • Apply a green base

Green is the complementary color of red. This is why it is recommended to apply small touches a green base to reduce redness of the skin. It is put before the foundation, which we choose corrector so that it is a little thicker and better camouflages rosacea. In his bag, we slide a corrector stick with green pigments for touch ups of the day!

  • Adopt the CC cream

These multifunction creams are designed to make you perfect skin! And it is also valid for all those who are victims of rosacea. CC creams mask redness, moisturize, protect against UV and even skin tone. You said perfect?

  • Ban the make up "look good"

We say goodbye to make-up and bases of rosy or orange complexion. These shades will accentuate the redness and give us everything except a good look! So avoid apricot care and make-up effect sun! We repeat: we go green!

Other tips to fight against rosacea

The redness associated with rosacea often appears in times of great stress. If you are prone to rosacea, you quickly join a yoga class, practice relaxation or meditation to calm your nerves and soothe your skin as a bonus. And if the redness appears after a meal, it is recommended to suck an ice cube!