Orange helps parents make good use of video games

According to the study conducted in 2013 by TNS Sofres, 95.5% of the 6-14 year olds play at least once a week at video games.

Undeniably, the video game occupies today a place (too?) Important in the leisure activities of the young people. Orange therefore decided to help the parents a little lost.

For the 2nd consecutive year, from October 14 to November 19, 2014, Orange dispenses Le Cours Des Parents in 18 French cities. On the program: 3 free sessions of one hour each, during which participants will discover the practices of the video game in the youth. The other objective of the Parents Course: helping adults to orient the youngest to the right video game according to their age and sensitivity.

To develop these courses, Orange has teamed up with the PédaGoJeux collective, whose primary goal is to raise awareness of the world of video games. Participants will learn how to use the parental control tool on any device: console, computer, Smartphone or tablet.

The Course of Parents of Orange, I m 'register how?

The cities where these courses will be given: - Aix-en-Provence - Amiens
- Angoulême
- Annecy
Qype ​​Reviews
- Bordeaux
- Bourg-en-Bresse
- Dinan,
- Issy-les-Moulineaux
- The rock on yon
- Le Havre
Qype ​​Reviews
- Montpellier
- Nancy
- Nice
- New Orleans
- London
- Toulouse

To participate in the courses of the parents of Orange, simply register online or directly in Orange shop.

And for those who can not travel to attend these courses, the module "Youth and video games" will be accessible on the Orange internet platform in the form of videos and practical guides. And visible all year round.