We start music therapy. It's proven: music can reduce pain intensity by up to 21% and depression symptoms by as much as 25% (associated with chronic pain). In addition, music therapy would provide a greater sense of control over the pain, decreasing the use of analgesics. This is apparent from the synthesis of 51 studies including a total of 3,663 participants. Painful symptoms "sensitive" to music include rheumatoid arthritis , musculoskeletal disorders, and osteoarthritis . Music therapy is therefore increasingly present in pain centers. A session lasts 20 to 45 minutes. A fade-in of several pieces of a few minutes progressively leads to a maximum relaxation phase by a reduction in rhythm, frequencies and volume. Follows a revitalizing phase. Once his musical "program" is established, it can be done, on demand, at home or on his iPod.

Where to inquire

French Association of Music Therapy CFC : Paris V University, 45, rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris. www.musicotherapie-afm.com

International Center for Music Therapy : 49, avenue Aristide-Briand, PO Box 155, 93163 Noisy-le-Grand Cedex. Such. : 01 49 32 11 62. www.centre-musicotherapie.com

We do not hesitate to heal with plants, we try herbal medicine . A German study of 675 people with various joint conditions showed that 80% of patients were more tolerant of Harpagophytum than a standard anti-inflammatory. But the root of this "claw of the devil" could be competing with the wild rose. The rose hips , the fruit of the hips, could indeed be added to the herbarium of osteoarthritis . This is at least the result of two clinical trials in Denmark. They reported significant relief from the pain associated with capsule taking of 2.5 g rose hip per day. On the other hand, you do not have to stuff yourself with shell powder or shark cartilage. According to an American study, glucosamine sulphate and chondroitin sulfate, key ingredients of these ingredients, used alone or in combination, are no more effective than a placebo.

Where to inquire

Association of Phytotherapy Users : Phyto 2000, BP 6116, 75762 Paris Cedex 16. Tel. : 01 47 04 32 18. www.phyto2000.org .

French phyto-aromatherapy company : sfpa.club.fr