After the Essure contraceptive implant, it is the turn of the Mirena IUD to pose a problem.

The anger of many women throughout the United States, Spain and today France is constantly rumbling about the side effects caused by this intrauterine device (IUD) hormonal marketed for twenty years by the pharmaceutical company Bayer.

The pain and worries of the patients questioned

The Mirena IUD is worried. This is evidenced by the many alarmist discussions on the forums and the negative opinions on this product, which have been growing steadily for years.



Depression, hair loss, migraines, ovarian cysts ... The list of adverse reactions reported by patients is long.

Problem: even if they are actually on the list of side effects listed on the product leaflet, it seems that some gynecologists do not take into account the word of their patients when they accuse him of all these ills.


Mirena IUD: on social networks, women go to the wall

Determined to make things happen, members of the Facebook group "Victims of the hormonal coil Mirena" encourage women who have encountered these problems to report it to the National Agency for Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM).

They also want the latter to be better informed by health professionals about the special warnings concerning this IUD, information which does not seem to be automatically transmitted according to them.

"Initially, I created this group to help me because I was looking for people who had lived, like me, effects due to the Mirena", explains Christelle G., administrator and creative group.

"I made a declaration of pharmacovigilance because I saw that it was obligatory, but that nobody did it, I understood that it was perhaps the fault and that it was necessary to go if all the women wanted to be heard, "she adds.


However, the manufacturer's leaflet states that the gynecologist must inform patients about the efficacy, risks and possible side effects of the product, but also prescribe "a control test 4 to 6 weeks after insertion, then once a year or more frequently if necessary ".

In August 2016, 1,300 US complaints against Bayer and her Mirena IUD, accused of causing injury, were dismissed by a federal judge for lack of conclusive expertise.