Magnesium, a mineral essential to the body

Used for industrial and medicinal purposes, magnesium is present in every cell of the human body, especially in the bones, teeth, muscles and liver, and eliminated in the urine. It plays a decisive role in the functioning of our body. On a physical level, on the one hand, it acts on the growth, the musculature, the heart rate, the immune defenses or the production of energy. At the neurological level, on the other hand, magnesium plays a role in fatigue , stress , memory and brain activity.

Disorders related to magnesium deficiency

A magnesium deficiency can lead to various health problems, such as cardiovascular disorders, cramps, tremors, fatigue or anxiety. In the same way, an excess also causes symptoms, more or less similar.

Foods rich in magnesium

To be healthy, the body requires a daily requirement of magnesium in the order of 375 mg (variable according to age, sex and pregnancy). In addition to the chocolate known to be rich in magnesium, other products of our current diet contain such as seeds (almonds, hazelnuts), cereals (wholemeal bread, oatmeal), shellfish (shrimp, periwinkle, snail), some green vegetables (spinach, sorrel) or some mineral waters.