Blues or seasonal depression, the influence of light

Our mood is influenced by the amount of light we receive. When we do not receive our daily dose, about an hour a day, we become a little depressed. Our organization went into "night mode" somehow, hence the decline in the diet. It is necessary to know how to differentiate the simple shot of blues of the CAS "subsyndromal seasonal affective disorder" and the most serious seasonal depression.

Half of the French are affected by the blues of winter. It is quite understandable, during these long winter months, the metro-work-sleep routine makes us dream of more sunny horizons ... The "subsyndromal seasonal affective disorder" affects between 10 to 12% of the population. These people are more affected than the first ones. They often consume more stimulants, such as alcohol or coffee, to try to regain some energy.

Finally, 2 or 3% of the population suffers from real seasonal depression that can lead to real depressive episodes that require consultation. The victims of the seasonal depression are very disabled in everyday life, work, relationships with others.

Light therapy for which symptoms?

Moral at half mast? Drowsiness? Fringal? Decreased efficiency at work? To summarize, from the beginning of October, you feel in the fog. This is caused by a physiological and psychological slowdown. You may have memory problems and become irritable. Pessimism is sometimes invasive.

In addition to being tired, you gain weight. You eat more starchy foods and sugary foods. And everyone knows that the more we are depressed to grow, the more we eat to console ourselves for depression!

For people experiencing true seasonal depression, this disorder can really affect social relationships, leading to professional and family problems. Other more embarrassing symptoms may include difficulty concentrating, isolation with withdrawal, loss of libido, weight gain, or loss of interest in usual activities such as practice. a sport with his children

Light therapy, one of the winter blues remedies

Several solutions exist to get back on track. Light therapy is the star solution, in addition to some small habits to take that will prevent you from having the blues winter!

A bright idea: light therapy!

The level of brightness diffused by the sun goes from 50 000 lux in summer to 500 lux in winter. To preserve our internal balance, this intensity is clearly insufficient. But below the 2000 lux threshold, some people suffer from a drop in morale. Light therapy seems to be the most accessible alternative to a plane ticket to coconut palms and sunny beaches ...

It influences our internal biological clock thanks to an ingenious process: to be placed 30 minutes a day in front of a lamp diffusing a very bright light (10 000 lux). The principle is simple: exposure can reduce the production of melatonin and its undesirable manifestations. Light is transmitted to the brain, through the retina of the eye, as energetic nerve impulses. It influences the hormonal secretion and thus the duration and the rhythm of the sleep, other vegetative functions, as well as the immune system.

Where to practice light therapy?

Directly to his doctor, in specialized centers, and even directly in his living room. Just ask your doctor if light therapy is not contraindicated for your eyes beforehand, which is rare in general.

The light therapy lamps are easily found on the market, but the price could put off more than one: 200 euros on average. You can add dawn simulators: they wake you up with a glow of gradual intensity that will gradually reach the level of a classic treatment of light therapy. Only downside, these light simulators of dawn are found only from 150 euros ...

The most traditional methods to recover energy!

Sport and healthy lifestyle are allies of shock to fight against the blues of winter! For example, enjoy the sunrise or a sunny afternoon to walk, even run if you are brave! This will allow you to take a breath of fresh air and tone your body at the same time. Go for a walk regularly, the winter is conducive to romantic walks, or even long weekends away from the city.

In terms of food, focus on fruits, vegetables and proteins and reduce carbohydrates ... In two words ended plastered lazy special pasta, get out a Japanese girlfriends!

To fight against fatigue, it is best not to take a nap, except in case of extreme fatigue and, in this case, it must imperatively not exceed twenty minutes. Napping can become a drug if you abuse it!

And above all, we warm up! Nothing worse than the cold to undermine morale! Take advantage of winter to bring out UGG, big knit scarves and cashmere sweater. Stylish and warm, you will immediately feel better!

A little tip New Age: Phytotherapy

Therapeutic method that uses medicinal plants, herbal medicine is an ancestral practice to heal in eco mode. St. John's Wort is as effective a plant as synthetic antidepressants. Originally from Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, she takes care of the blues without the unpleasant side effects such as drowsiness, dry mouth or weight gain. Clinical trials suggest that its intake in capsules acts favorably to treat seasonal lows. This gentle method is a very good complement to light therapy.