Liam Gallagher is now also playing with his brother Paul.

The 44-year-old singer is known to be involved in a constant argument with his brother Noel, who was with him in the rock band Oasis. Now the 'Wall of Glass' interpreter had a violent argument with another family member. The argument was said to have started in a London pub when Paul - the oldest of the three Gallagher brothers - raised Liam because of his music career and said that he "would always remain this type of Oasis".

A witness reports 'The Sun on Sunday': "Liam wrote: 'How dare you say that? You are so damn rude.' He was obviously angry and waved his finger in Paul's direction. And Paul was in no way inferior to him when he added more. " The scene had become uglier and worse: "None of them bothered to hide their argument. They were very loud. They drank outside the pub and the other guests stuck their heads through the door to see what was going to hell. " At one point it even looked like a real brawl.

The observer further unpacks that Liam was annoyed by his girlfriend Debbie Gwyther's reluctance to defend him: "He told her that if the situation were reversed and someone insulted her, he would hit the other person in the face would'." After all, the musician was hissed off with fury.