Painful throat, scratching, difficulty swallowing and swallowing: this is laryngitis , mostly of viral origin. The virus locally causes inflammation of the vocal cords . Thickened, they almost touch and do not vibrate. In addition, secretions of mucus - defense mode of the mucosa to evacuate the virus - require to clear the throat, irritating even more the larynx. You are told what to do when you have laryngitis that makes you sleepy.

Hydrate to heal

The secretions are fluidized and evacuated more easily. In self-medication , the pharmacist is asked for an expectorant such as Mucomyst or Codotussyl cough fat. But we think especially to hydrate well because the body needs water when it is fighting against laryngitis (this allows it to produce mucus).

Nature and homemade care

We also focus on propolis , soothing and virucidal , to suck (propolis gums ProRoyal organic) or syrup (concentrate propolis bio Fleurance Nature). As for plants, in the case of laryngitis, we think of essential oils in aerial diffusion (eucalyptus radish, ravintsare, peppermint that clear the airways) and grapefruit seed extract (in organic stores and pharmacies) which stimulates our natural defenses. Finally, if you are a fan of homemade solutions, you can concoct a special laryngitis herbal medicine recipe . We mix a good teaspoon of grapefruit seed extract, 30 ml of honey, 20 drops of essential oils of raventsara aromatica, 15 drops of tea tree essential oil and a little lemon juice. To use it best, take a good teaspoon of the mixture every two hours on the first day, then four times a day for the next two days. Then, the doses are spaced according to the evolution of the disease.

If the pain persists

Finally, if the inflammation does not decrease , especially in children, whose larynx is narrower than in adults, the doctor can prescribe cortisone to reduce the swelling of the vocal cords and facilitate breathing .