Exercise at home: a little stretching

To keep its flexibility and fight against stiffness, nothing like a little soft gym. The typical exercise? To achieve this, position yourself against a wall, keep your head, shoulders and buttocks glued. Your heels should be slightly forward (10 cm from the wall). Inhale, then exhale, releasing the head and gently winding to the bottom of your body. Once completely "folded" in two, inhale on the spot and blow by the mouth by contracting your abs and your glutes to bring back the spine, your shoulders and head against the wall.

This exercise is to be done 4 to 5 times in a row daily. In addition, you can also practice Nordic walking or yoga. Both will help you boost your cardiovascular system but also strengthen your thighs and arms.

To know more
coachclub.com or [email protected] for the inhabitants of Nord Pas de Calais.