According to a study published in Science of US sleeping with a foot out of the quilt could help you sleep better, and also make you sleep faster.

Everything is related to the temperature: before one falls asleep, the temperature of the human body begins to fall, being able to reach its coldest state.

Then, during sleep, the body is about one or two degrees below normal. Some scientists even think that cool temperatures cause drowsiness. Hence the hot bath regularly recommended before going to bed: after a hot bath, the body temperature cools very quickly, generating a stronger desire to sleep. A hot drink works the same way

Taking a foot off the quilt would cool the body down when you're too hot to sleep.

Why feet? The feet and hands, in short the extremities of the body, do not have the same vascular compositions as the other members of the body. They contain blood vessels that, combined with the absence of hair, cause them to dissipate heat in the body.

The idea that you should not sleep in a room too heated is not a myth (in summer, the heat wave proves it ...) To you the long nights of sleep!