Initiatives multiply. Meditation workshops, Zen notebooks ... Who benefits most from them or us? Isabelle Filliozat, psychotherapist and author of "My emotions" * helps us to see more clearly.

Learn to manage the emotions of his children ...

In the bookstore it's the breaking wave: we do not count anymore the books which incite our children to listen to their emotions, to understand them and to control them *. Good idea ? Yes ! Putting words on your feelings, not being ashamed or afraid of your emotions, it helps our children to be comfortable in their sneakers, to understand what is happening around them and to read the emotions of others. It is an indispensable foundation for good social relations . So, at home, you can talk about your own emotions, ask yourself questions about what a character in a book or a movie feels ... just to give them the keys to flourish at the nursery, at school or with your family. .

... with moderation

"Quiet as a frog" *** (title of the children's meditation book sold to thousands of copies worldwide), does not mean "wise as an image". No need to make tons. Children are what they are: certainly not small impassive robots. To meditate, to learn to breathe , to be attentive, that's good. But no more than playing sports, climbing trees or playing music.

* Nathan editions.
** "Children's Questions / Zen Answers" (Pocket Youth Edition), "The Book of My Emotions" (Gründ ed.), "I play and discover my emotions" (Solar ed.).
*** by Eline Snel at Les Arènes.