Caffeine, angel or demon?

This molecule is able to dope us as much as to break us. On the one hand, there are its tonic effects on the body which is difficult to do without: it activates the production of certain neurotransmitters (especially those of the awakening: adrenaline, dopamine, ...), it Boost concentration , vigilance ... It even seems that it pushes us to make endorphins, the hormones of well-being, which would make us addicted to the little black. If the peak of caffeine occurs 3/4 of an hour after ingestion, one begins to feel a whiplash effect after only a few minutes. Studies have also shown that caffeine will help prevent cognitive decline and ward off Alzheimer's disease. Its effect is also studied to fight Parkinson's with rather encouraging results. The problem is when you abuse caffeine. You can feel heart palpitations, anxiety, irritability, and of course have trouble getting to sleep. To avoid these disorders, it is necessary to find the right dose of caffeine. And that's where it gets complicated.

400 mg of caffeine a day maximum?

This is in any case the dose limit for a healthy adult recommended by European health authorities since 2015. Pregnant women must be content with 200 mg per day while teenagers should not exceed 1 mg per kilogram of body weight . Well, that's in theory. In practice, we do not all have the same sensitivity to caffeine. Some would be 16 times more receptive than others! That's why some of us have 8 cups of coffee a day without any side effects, while others have a hard time drinking it. We learn to listen and we put the pedal soft in case of addiction to coffee and its derivatives.

Where is there caffeine?

In the cafe of course. The more it is in contact with water, the more the beverage is caffeine. Contrary to what one often hears, a flirty coffee is therefore more energizing than an espresso (120 mg of caffeine compared to 70 to 80 mg approximately). Caffeine is also found in tea, but mixing with other compounds makes it more gradual and gentle. The chocolate contains theobromine. This substance has psycho stimulant effects to which dogs are also very sensitive (that's why you should never let them eat chocolate). Soft drinks and energy drinks are also to be watched closely. Teens in particular can quickly exceed the limit doses of caffeine by drinking two cans per day for example (30 to 50 mg for a cola, much more for energy drinks). Finally, some drugs contain caffeine. Anti-migraine sufferers in particular. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you feel uncomfortable.