Hashtags of wage claims to hashtags indicating that they assume themselves as they are, passing through hashtags born of a phenomenon of society - #manspreading - and those frequently used, review of feminist hashtags to follow .. .

  • #lesfemmesveulent

Appeared for the day of November 7, against wage inequalities, he is mobilized to evoke all the feminist claims that remain to be conquered.

  • #blackhairchallenge

At the end of May, this hashtag emerged from the ras-le-bol of Afro-American women vis-à-vis Western capillary diktats. It appears surrounded by photos on which people surf proudly with their braids or afro cuts.

  • #manspreading

Initiated by the Spanish collective Mujeres en lucha (Women in Struggle), it resulted in a law in Madrid against this male practice of moving legs apart in transport regardless of neighbors, and is being taken over the world whole.

  • #lesprincessesontdespoils

Mole in the corridors of her high school for her hair, Adele Labo, Belgian illustrator of 16 years, launches, in July 2016, this hastag, immediately taken over by young women exposing their legs or their underarms not depilated. A craze such as Adèle has since created the tumblr Raconte vos hails.

  • #neverthelessshepersisted

Opposed to the appointment of Jeff Sessions as US Attorney General, Elizabeth Warren spoke in the Senate. Immediately Mitch McConnell, leader of the Republican majority, cut him
the speech. For him, the Democratic senator had to: "He was given an explanation. Nevertheless, it persisted. The hashtag is taken up by celebrities to evoke the memory of all the women who refuse to bend the spine.