What does it consist of?
Foods to consume
Foods to banish
The most and the least
Duration and effectiveness

What does it consist of?

Developed by the weight clinic in Paris, the Benchetrit method takes place in three stages .

Each of them must be accompanied by regular physical activity. They are set according to your eating habits , your lifestyle, your height, your age and the weight you want to lose.

It is indeed a personalized diet that proposes a list of varied foods respecting the daily contributions necessary for your body. Thus calories, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins are quantified so as to be present at the right time and in a sufficient way.

The eponymous book and the website www.ledietapresbb.fr allow a complete and free report for a good start. They also provide accurate coaching every day.

This method is adaptable to several profiles, so different programs have been developed such as:

- The Express program. It offers a quick start for an effective result from the first week.

- The Freedom program. It is for those who want to take the time to lose weight without having a restrictive phase.

- The Anticellulite program. Ideal for those who wish to reduce their cellulite, whether they are overweight or not. Simple sugars, salt and fats are limited in favor of fiber and protein.

- The program 45 years old. It is intended for all those who wish to prevent aging, which often makes the loss of weight more complicated and slow.

- The After-Baby program. Young mothers who have recently given birth will be there. They will be able to regain their pre-baby weight thanks to this special version of the Benchetrit method.

The 3 phases:

- The fast phase . It lasts a short week for those who have less than 10 kilos to lose, 2 for those who want to lose weight from 10 to 20 kilos and three weeks maximum when there is more than 20 kilos to eliminate. A limited but non-exhaustive list of foods to consume is provided.

- The total phase . The duration is 2 to 4 weeks depending on the objective. Arriving at this stage you should have lost beforehand between 2 and 5 kilos . Lipids and progressively complex carbohydrates are reintegrated.

- The definitive phase . You therefore enter a ' cruising ' phase to apply until the desired weight is achieved. Consider that your loss will be around 4 pounds a month . At this point you should have already lost between 7 and 15 pounds . All foods are now allowed, consumption must be in accordance with the daily rates indicated.

Foods to consume

In fast phase (1):

- Foods rich in protein cooked without fat. They must be consumed at every meal. Those are :

  • Lean fish like pike, whiting, shark, monkfish ...
  • Seafood : oysters, shrimps, cockles, cuttlefish, scallop shells ...
  • Lean meat : beef : fillet, fillet, bib, steak with 5% fat, stem, shank ... The veal : cutlet, chest shoulder ... Pork : filet, filet mignon ... The horse , the ostrich , the game such as wild duck, rabbit, deer, partridge, kid, pheasant ...
  • Lean poultry without skin: quail, chicken, turkey, turkey ...
  • Lean offal : heart, liver, veal rice, tripe, kidneys ...
  • Eggs (yellow is very high in cholesterol, do not exceed 6 eggs per week) and finally tofu .

- Vegetables low in sugars , mashed potatoes, whole, hot or cold but still without fat. Choose the seasonal vegetables. So you can eat asparagus, eggplant, broccoli, cauliflower, endive, butter and green beans, beetroot, vegetable macedonia, Jerusalem artichokes ...

- Lean dairy products : they correspond to 0% unsweetened dairy products, to low-fat cheeses containing 5% maximum fat on the finished product. For example, you can find Lion Heart Extra, Bridelight Cheese Specialty, Fresh Square 0% Mg, Saint Moret 0% MG, Tartare 0% ...

- Drinks , it is essential to consume 1.5 L per day in the form of water, coffee, tea and infusions without sugar. Avoid so-called light drinks.

In total phase (2):

The same as in phase 1 with more:

- Light drinks

- Complex carbohydrates such as bread, cereals and starchy foods. Their quantity must be increased gradually. Still favor complex fiber-rich carbohydrates such as pasta and wholegrain rice

- Cereals in the form of grains (rice, maize, wheat, spelled, barley, oats, quinoa ...), flour and derivatives (soft wheat, rye, pasta ...), semolina (couscous, bulgur ...) corn (polenta ) in porridge or flakes (oats ...)

- Potatoes and sweet potatoes steamed, baked or mashed

- Legumes : lentils, dried beans, beans, chickpeas, split peas, beans ...

- The vegetables in their entirety. You can then favor sweet vegetables such as artichokes, beets, carrots, hearts of palm, small weights, pumpkins ...

In final phase (3):

All foods are allowed , their quantity is defined according to your weight curve, your eating habits and your differences. A coach realizes your daily calorie intake according to the desires and your way of life which you will have communicated to him via Internet. No limit is imposed on the consumption of unsweetened vegetables.

Foods to banish

In fast phase (1):

- Bread , bread, rusks ...

- Baked goods , Viennese pastries, biscuits ...

- Cereal products

- Starchy type potato, pasta, rice, wheat, corn ...

- Pasta garnished in quiches, pizzas, pies ...

- Commercial cooked dishes

- Alcohol

In total phase (2):

- Products containing simple sugars such as confectionery, cookies or pastries ...

- Alcohol

The most and the least

Most :

- No feeling of hunger or excessive frustration, the list of authorized foods is relatively varied and wide .

- The quantities are unlimited and at any time for the fast phase (n ° 1). For the total phase (# 2) only the least sweet vegetables are allowed at will.

- Low sugar vegetables provide good transit , unlike proteins that tend to have the opposite effect.

- The final phase is adaptable according to your desires: fast diet so strict deprivations or slower, allowing you small pleasures (taken into account to continue anyway to lose weight).

- A slimming coach helps you daily in your approach and helps you to compensate for your deviations on www.ledietcare.fr

The lessers

- A single gap cancels the effectiveness of the fast phase and the total phase, so it is necessary to have a will to any test .

- In final phase n ° 3, there is a risk of disappointment since the weight will tend to stagnate a certain time before decreasing.

Duration and effectiveness

- The first phase is of a very short duration and it allows a quick start . The first results of this start of diet are not long in being visible .

- The second phase comes very quickly and allows to gradually reintroduce complex carbohydrates and vegetables in their entirety while continuing to lose weight sustainably. We find so quickly our food 'scrunchies'.

- In the end, weight loss is real and lasting, provided you have an iron will and do absolutely no gap at the beginning.