The Origin of the Tradition of the Advent Calendar

The advent calendars were born in Germany in the 19th century. During the weeks before Christmas , beautiful pious images were offered to the children, a way to ensure their religious education and to make them wait before D-day.
By the middle of the century, the religious figures were replaced by more and more beautiful images, adorned with gold, silver or lace ... Then there appeared hidden images and finally a true calendar that sgrains the time in 24 small windows of paper to open to discover beautiful drawings ... Until the apotheosis of December 24 that is preserved preciously.

Over time, advent calendars cross borders and become inseparable from the Christmas spirit around the world.

The Renewal of the Advent Calendar

They too are renewed. The calendars of the advent take volume, different forms and are made big enough to conceal treats, chocolates and even small gifts.
It is from Scandinavia that the phenomenon is gone. There is an advent calendar in every home, whether there are children or not. In France also the calendar of the adventure begins to be expected. The brands have understood it and are reserving surprises more and more original. One of the first brands to surf the phenomenon: Benefit.

The advent calendars of 2016 are 24 small huts where hides henceforth small toys, mini objects decos and sometimes even cosmetics. In short, these calendars are destined for us, the great girls, and by the end of 2016, they compete for creativity.

Definitely for this 2016 Christmas the advent calendars are no longer reserved for children. To our delight.