How to love, seduce and feel desirable when chemo, pain and hormone therapy maltreat the libido, when one has lost a breast, her hair, her hair? The path is sometimes long, punctuated with obstacles.

Traumatic treatments, an abused body

Difficult for the patients to evoke the troubles related to their intimacy. Through the battered body, it is the self-image that is at stake. Beyond the mourning of a breast, it is the more global and heavy one of the "before" body that must be overcome. . Not to mention the often scary questions related to fertility and early menopause in very young women, the consequences of certain treatments.

The look of the partner

Often, the partner's gaze on this battered body, "different" from the former worried. Yet, few women with breast cancer left by their spouse. When the couples were well before the illness, they usually overcome it together. Nevertheless, if the intimacy between the partners becomes complicated, or even non-existent for long months, the couple can be weakened. Most often, it is primarily a lack of dialogue.

Communicate, a lot

To overcome this difficulty, you have to talk to each other but also accept the shift. Quit changing his habits (wear a T-shirt if you feel more comfortable with his scar, turn off the light during carnal relationships ...).

And even if treatment fatigue and lack of desire are felt, it is important to maintain the desire and sensual pleasure of being together and touching each other. Caresses, kisses, cuddles, longer foreplay, new positions ... Breast cancer can be an opportunity to experiment with new ways to have fun together. For the best.