Wrinkles: a biological manifestation of cutaneous aging
Enemies number 1 of all women, wrinkles and fine lines begin to make their appearance generally as soon as we pass the course from 30 years ... And once installed, it is very difficult to get rid of! La Roche Posay Laboratories provide us with an update on the origin of wrinkles but also on the different treatments possible.

As it gets older, the skin changes, loses its natural hydration and its fundamental substance becomes impoverished. Lack of hydration and nutrients, collagen production decreases. This "mattress" of support of the skin weakens, loses in tonicity and in firmness. The cohesion between the dermis and the epidermis then becomes less strong. On the surface, depressions form: these are the wrinkles.

Wrinkles are one of the first signs of skin aging, mainly in the face and there are 3 categories of wrinkles:
- wrinkles and fine lines of dehydration or dryness which are due to poor hydration of the skin. They disappear once the skin has been properly treated, with appropriate face care.
- the wrinkles of expressions located on the forehead, between the eyebrows, at the level of the naso-genial furrows and the corners of the lips,
- the folds of weakness linked to the slackening of the skin, the loss of tone and firmness of the skin. They are responsible for the alteration of the oval face, pockets under the eyes, jowls and double chin.

What are the mechanisms behind wrinkles?
There are three of them at the origin of its appearance:
- the action of the muscles : at every moment, the skin is solicited by the movements of the underlying muscles. These micro-contractures favor the formation of lines between which the skin tightens, stretches and finally wrinkles to form wrinkles.
- the modification of the constituents of the dermis : intrinsic and photo-induced aging favor the flattening of the junction between the dermis and the epidermis.
- the modification of the relief of the skin : with age, the lines that put tension on the skin become distended and dig slowly. This phenomenon accelerates after 60 years.

What Ways to Use to Fight Wrinkles?
However, if a wrinkle is not totally absorbed, the cosmetic response can stop some mechanisms and prevent others.
The main active ingredients used in anti-aging and anti-wrinkle care are anti-oxidants, pro-collagenic agents (vitamin C, etc.), water-fixing moisturizers (hyaluronic acid, etc.) and depigmenting agents.

A big thanks to La Roche Posay for all this info!