What is naturopathy ?
The method aims to rebalance the lifestyle on the physical level but also emotional and psychological. The individual is considered in its entirety by taking into account his lifestyle, his work, his temperament, the events that have marked him, etc.

What happens during a consultation ?
The naturopath will start by asking you about the reasons for your coming (often stress , chronic diseases , etc.), your family history (diseases, operations) and your eating habits (what you like or not, possible allergies, etc. .). It will also observe the shape of your jaw (which gives information on the bone constitution ), your hands (the size of the fingers, the color of the palm ... give precious information on the temperament ), the iris of the eye ( which says a lot about the general constitution and the trauma ) and will take the Chinese pulse to measure the "energy" of the organs (lungs, stomach, spleen, etc.). From all these elements, it will draw up a vitality assessment and give a vital hygiene program .

What is the vital hygiene program ?
This is an issue that brings personalized dietary advice (the right foods to eat, supplements to add: seeds, sprouts, yeast, algae, etc.), suggestions of suitable physical exercises (stretching wake, sports) and more psychological advice (relaxation exercises, anointings of essential oils, etc.).

Easy reflexes that change everything!
  • Drink a bowl of hot water or herbal tea in the morning before your coffee to rehydrate the body.
  • Prepare a soup by mixing one of the ingredients kept raw (carrot, broccoli, leek ...) to preserve vitamins and enzymes.
  • Change your table salt to a salt with aromatic herbs (Herbamare brand) or sesame (called gomasio in organic shops), which raises the flavors and, unlike traditional salt, does not promote hypertension .
  • Drink three teas of rosemary a day (1 tablespoon in a bowl of hot water) for two weeks. It drains the liver , it eliminates toxins and it makes a beautiful skin .
  • Sprinkle salads and sprouted seed sandwiches in the spring, for example some seeds of alfafa, fenugreek, radish ... Stuffed with vitamins , minerals and trace elements !
  • Set aside a break twice a day to breathe calmly, releasing the shoulders down and inflating the belly with inspiration. This allows you to refocus and decompress in less than a minute.
Practical naturopathy. The 24 Hours of Daniel Kieffer's Happy Man , ed. Jouvence, 9,50 €. This practical little book deals with all aspects of life hygiene (nutrition, work, sleep, sexuality, meditation, etc.) in order to improve it.

As Naturopath is not a regulated profession, it is better to address federations providing lists of practitioners.
Information: www.fenavi.net or http://cenatho.free.fr
How much does it cost ? 50 to 200 € the consultation according to the naturopath. We go on average once every three months.

Thanks to Anne-Charlotte Fraisse, naturopath.