After months of preparation, you finally got the right to your special day. All your friends and family were together, your great-aunt almost spilled nothing, your mother almost did not cry: in short, your marriage was perfect.

But now ?

Here are the top 9 thoughts that pass into the head of a bride the day after the ceremony.

  • " I am dead tired "

Between the stress and the countless activities planned during your wedding day, it is not so strange that you are exhausted the next day. Not to mention the wedding night ...

  • " It's already finished"

Your entourage had warned you and yet: the day of your marriage always passes too quickly.

  • "I am ... married! [Insert several screams here]! "

That is to say that you are preparing this day since approximately your 7 years, so it is difficult to realize that it has finally arrived.

  • "How do I dress? "

The festivities are not completely over: it remains the brunch and the snack to say goodbye to the guests (and to absorb the abuses of the previous day). So, should we put on the white dress? Is there a right to go out in front of everyone in jogging fleece?

  • " I'm hungry"

Yesterday evening you had remained reasonable - partly because in this pretty dress you could not abuse. This morning you are VERY hungry (and you need to mop up a little this hangover)

  • "It's too early to change my Facebook status? "

Since you have not really been able to invite everyone, it would be nice to tell them, right? Well yes, we all know that a marriage is only effective when announced on Facebook. Hmm.

  • "How long can I start the photographers?" "

To change your Facebook profile photo, obviously.

  • "I do not want to go back to real life"

You took a small week to get over it but let's be honest, it's not enough! Fortunately there is the honeymoon to make the dream last a little!

  • And now ? What will I do ?

For more than a year, your only occupations were the preparation of this wedding, the choice of the dress, the invitations ... and now? You'll have to fight this odious wedding-blues or find another project. A baby ?