Poor posture at work, long hours sitting in front of the computer, uncomfortable positions on the train, on the couch and even in bed, a stress peak ... There are many reasons that create tensions in our trapezius muscles, these muscles located in the back and neck, sometimes leading to severe back pain.

To relieve these tensions and relax this area that extends from the spine to the shoulders, we asked the advice of professionals: Lucile Woodward , sports coach and Frédéric Srour, physiotherapist and ergonomist, author of Even not bad! The guide to good gestures and good postures (First).

Between good habits to adopt daily, easy exercises and stretching, here are their techniques to relax the trapezius and relieve the back stiff.

Distinguish the two types of trapezes

There are two kinds of trapezes. The upper trapezius - often the most painful - are the muscles between the shoulders and the neck.

The lower trapezius, they are usually responsible for shoulder pain when they are too tight.

These muscles, which ensure a good support of the bust, are with the psoas, calves and glutes an important area of ​​concentration of stress. So we try to make them work through small exercises of rotation of the shoulders.

Self-massage to relax the trapezius

On a daily basis, to relieve muscular tension, Lucile Woodward recommends practicing self-massage.

For example, to massage the left trapezius, hold the left elbow with your right hand, to support it. With your left hand, catch your trapeze and massage it.

The sports coach advises to apply, at the same time, arnica oil, very effective to relieve muscle tension. Ideally, repeat this easy massage twice a day, massaging for 3 to 4 minutes.

Release trapezes: a simple exercise

The other technique on which the two experts agree is an easy exercise, which has the benefit of releasing the pressure in the upper back.

Inhale and raise the shoulders very high. Block 3 to 4 seconds at the top, then release with a blast. This exercise, repeated as needed several times in a row, circulates the blood and relaxes the trapezius.

exercise relaxation trapezes even not bad frédéric srour physio tips © Not bad! - illustrations Emmanuelle Teyras

Painful Trapezes: The Stretching Exercise That Changes Everything

In case of pain in the trapezius area, Lucile Woodward also advises a stretching exercise to reduce muscle stiffness.

In practice, stick your right ear to your right shoulder, very gently. Then bring your chin back to the chest. This movement stretches and softens trapezes. Do it in one direction, then in the other, taking your time.

Shoulder rotations to relieve knotted trapezius

To relieve knotted trapezes, Frédéric Srour has a secret, easy to apply anytime and anywhere, by car, in the queue at the supermarket, in front of his computer, while cooking ...

This consists of small rotations of shoulders back and forth. Do 3 sets of 10 rotations each day. As trapezes relax, tensions disappear.

In front of the computer, in the office or at home, moving your head and shoulders with small movements from left to right and from bottom to top is recommended. Another tip of importance: vary the sitting positions and agree to travel to relax a little.

Yoga: the posture of the trapezes special eagle

In addition to its anti-stress benefits, yoga has, among other things, the virtue of relaxing muscles.

For trapezes, Lucile Woodward advises the posture of the eagle (Garudasana). It is a balancing posture that is practiced upright and requires a little concentration as can be seen on the video below. It is nevertheless accessible to beginners as well as confirmed yogis.

Garudasana: the eagle's posture adapted for all levels / Celine Antoine, Vimeo.

Steep trapezes: stop at the screens!

First cause of tension trapezoids, screens. They turn out to be our worst enemies when we are subject to muscle pain.

To relieve trapezius and other back pain, professionals agree on minimizing screen time. To do this, impose digital detox during which you turn off computers and smartphones that favor heads down and often muscle contractures.

In the office, if you have to read printed materials, place them between the keyboard and the screen and not on the side and take the time to read them by leaning against the seat, rather than leaning over your workstation.

Good seating for relaxed trapezes

Last advice delivered by Frédéric Srour and particularly addressed to those who spend long hours sitting: organize his workstation and adjust his or her screens to avoid pain.

Thus, facing a computer, it is advisable to adopt a posture as straight as possible (do not hesitate to adjust the height of his chair, the angle of his backrest and armrests) and to place his eyes almost to the horizontal screen, eyes facing the upper third of the latter.

In this way, your neck does not drag the rest of your body forward, creating an imbalance that inevitably forces trapezoids.

position in the office face screen even not bad frédéric srour illustration emmanuelle teyras © Not bad! - illustrations Emmanuelle Teyras