Slim down, let off steam and gain confidence ... With this cardio training , no risk of black eye, since the shots are worn in the vacuum and without gloves. So, put on your sportswear and start! To do alone or with friends, to motivate yourself.

Exercise 1: jump rope to burn calories

Because the skipping rope is not reserved for recreation ... Wrists spreading hips, one jumps with feet together, or one foot then the other, without putting the heels. As soon as the rope passes in front of the eyes, one raises very high feet while keeping the abs tight (1 min).

Exercise 2: punches to flatten the belly

Elbows at the ribs, fists near the cheekbones, pelvis barely tilted forward, knees bent, right leg back. One expires and pushes the right arm forward, stretching it as far as it will go. Then we inspire by changing arms and legs (20 times).

Exercise 3: squats to decapitate the thighs

Standing, arms bent in front of you, fists clenched up. Belly tucked in, shoulder width apart, squats are inspected (bend knees as if to sit down to work the abdominals, thighs and buttocks). We exhale while going up while alternating punches upwards (5 min).

Exercise 4: Slits to refine the glutes

Tight abs, right leg forward, left behind with knee flexed 90 °. One pushes on the front leg to raise the left leg bent and one ends his movement by a kick (10 times before changing of leg).

Exercises excerpted from "My Boxing Training Workbook" by Sabrina Rodriguez, Illustrations Isabelle Maroger & Djoïna Amrani, Ed.Solar