Crack for cheese crusts. Part of our immunity is intestinal. This is why the nutritionist Dr. Laurent Chevallier * recommends savoring the crusts of certain cheeses such as Camembert, brie and bruises, which contain probiotics, these bacteria contributing to good immunity. But no more than 30 g, to avoid overweight! Another option, less caloric: milk drinks based on lactic ferments or enriched with probiotics.

Sleep more . Seven hours would be a minimum. An American study has shown that lack of sleep turns us into a target of choice for winter viruses. "Our white blood cells, those of defense, diminish when we lack rest, " say researchers at the Sleep Center at the University of Texas. It also prevents fever from playing its role as a bulwark. By increasing its temperature, the body creates a climate inhospitable to the virus. It is during sleep that fever rises the most. If we do not sleep, we do not use this system of protection thoroughly. (See also in this issue our article "8 tracks for a true restful sleep".)

Avoid smoking. Tobacco irritates our bronchi, devours our stocks of vitamin C, prevents us from sleeping, in short, weakens us. A lot ? A Canadian team from the University of Hamilton has confirmed that it decreases immune responses to influenza-like viruses . This is the time to fuel Nicopass lozenges, with the taste of eucalyptus, which also open the nose! Nicopass Eucalyptus, 1.5 mg of nicotine, 12 lozenges, € 5.50.

* Author of "My Food Orders", ed. LLL.